Top Jokes APIs

List of APIs and web services that produce Jokes.

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Jokes APIs

What is a Jokes API?

If a developer wants to give users a daily laugh, incorporating jokes into a website or app is a simple way to get started. Jokes APIs are humorous collections that will make users smile and encourage regular engagement with the site. Some APIs only offer a random joke, and others give search options to provide topical humor. You can find funny jokes that make you chuckle and Dad jokes that make you groan in these online collections.

How does a Joke API work?

A Joke API works like most any API except that the main data are jokes and punchlines. For example, the Dad Jokes collection is a random jokes API that sends one of the thousands of its jokes in JSON format when a program makes a GET request. A site like is a free jokes API that gives you unfettered access to its collection of witticisms about the martial arts star. Jokes in this API are searchable by category and keyword through the appropriate GET requests.

Who would use a random jokes API?

The main reason a developer would incorporate jokes into a project is to showcase his or her sense of humor. When working for a client, a humorous component can help establish fun as part of the culture and brand of the organization. Using a random jokes API also means that there is always fresh content on the site when a user lands on it. A free jokes API is also an easy way to make testing a more entertaining process for a group of developers.

Why are jokes important?

A good laugh helps improves someone’s frame of mind. An unexpected joke will brighten a user’s day and make a connection. Jokes will not be the most critical part of a project, but they can be a helpful finishing touch.

What kinds of jokes are available on these APIs?

Every person has a different sense of humor. The jokes on most free APIs are short quips that will get a quick laugh. These are short-form jokes that do not have a long setup or story. APIs like Slapbot send out clever one-liners with each GET request. General joke collections have several formats. The Webknox joke API sends out random knock-knock jokes, riddles and puns.

Are there free jokes APIs?

There are several free and freemium joke collections online. and jokeapi are both free collections. Jokeapi even allows users to submit jokes to the API. Webknox and Dad Jokes are freemium sites. They will allow developers to access a feature like a “Joke of the Day” for free but charge a fee for full access.

Jokes APIs SDKs

All Jokes APIs are supported and made available in multiple developer programming languages and SDKs including:

  1. Node.js
  2. PHP
  3. Python
  4. Ruby
  5. Objective-C
  6. Java (Android)
  7. C# (.NET)
  8. cURL

Just select your preference from any API endpoints page.

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