
Da foony-com | Aggiornamento 2 months ago | Gaming

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Rapid account: Foony Com
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Valutazione: 5 - Voti: 1


This API allows third-party applications to create and configure multiplayer game rooms on the online gaming platform

Your server can call this API to get an embeddable, customizable link to share with 1-1,000+ players. You can create private rooms, or public rooms if you want the greater Foony community to enter your rooms.

Example Use Cases:

  • Telemedicine and therapy platforms.
  • Teambuilding platforms looking to improve team cohesion through gaming.
  • Chat applications that want to improve user interaction.

Players will be able to play any of the available Foony games from these rooms without additional charge so long as the room remains open.

Supported gameIds:

On success, the result will contain an embeddable room URL that can be included in any iframe. You may add 1 or more additional options below to further customize the look and feel of the embed:

&chat=false Enables chat features (default true)
&items=false Shows item acquisition / customization (default true)
&xp=false Shows experience and levels (default true)
&lobbyHeader=false Shows the lobby header allowing players to adjust game settings (default true)
&spectate=true Joins the player as a spectator. Spectators can view other players in the game and chat (if enabled), but can’t participate themselves.
&hostSecret=16to64CharacterSecret If provided, the embedded client will join the room and take over as Host and room creator, giving them special permissions such as the ability to start the game and change settings in the room. Only 1 player should have this in their embed. To use this feature, you must include the hostSecret in your room creation request, and you will need to add the hostSecret to the end of the response’s embedUrl.

Each game has its own configuration options. To see a list of available configurations

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at We’re happy to help!