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분류별 API-SPORTS | 업데이트됨 25 days ago | Sports

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Latency Question

Rapid account: Data Sport
20 days ago

With regard to your response on the Error Question discussion I opened a new ticket as I was not sure I would get another response on that thread:

I checked the API call details as suggested:

You are correct the slow calls are routed through “x-rapidapi-region”:"AWS - ap-southeast-1"
and the fast calls through “x-rapidapi-region”:“AWS - eu-west-1”

is there any way we can influence which “x-rapidapi-region” the call will use?

We are seeing that the slow call are made by our calls when they run from ADF. Our adf instances are routing outward bound from us via eu-west-1 why would they go to the “AWS - ap-southeast-1” proxy gateway?

With the errors they are no happening almost with every batch call run I make. Failing the batch. will this be corrected soon? or what do you suggest I do?

Rapid account: Api Sports
api-sports Commented 20 days ago


Unfortunately we cannot act on our side on the Rapidapi proxy, the best would be to contact them at support@rapidapi.com.

Regarding your errors, they may be linked to the latency of Rapidapi’s proxy, which don’t respond quickly enough to cut the connection (you can normally change this timeout on your side too). Note that there is a per-minute ratelimit (also managed by Rapidapi) that slows you down and blocks your requests when you exceed the per-minute limit.


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