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Error question

Rapid account: Data Sport
vor 20 Tagen

Hi, We have been experiencing instability in our data acquisition process for APi-football data since Thursday 09/05/2024:

  1. Your platform shows a massive increase in latency from 130ms to 1300ms per call (could you please explain what the cause of the maybe) as the way I understand the term latency indicates time it takes to respond but is that from your side or ours and if its ours what kind of response would you be waiting for that generates latency.
  2. We are now quite regulary getting fail messages in the middle of the run on various API calls that did not happened a lot before 09/05/2024 examples are:
    {‘RESULT’: [500], ‘MESSAGE’: [“get_injuries(): HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘api-football-v1.p.rapidapi.com’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v2/sidelined/player/2148 A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond’))”],
    Is there something happening we should be aware of on your side.
    We have not changed our code in a over a month so we finding it difficult to understand what is causing these recent issues.
Rapid account: Data Sport
dataSport Commented vor 20 Tagen

You are correct the slow calls are routed through “x-rapidapi-region”:"AWS - ap-southeast-1"
and the fast calls through “x-rapidapi-region”:“AWS - eu-west-1”

is there any way we can influence which “x-rapidapi-region” the call will use?

We are seeing that the slow call are made by our calls when they run from ADF. Our adf instances are rouring outward bound from us via eu-west-1 why would they go to the “AWS - ap-southeast-1” proxy gateway?

With the errors they are no happening almost with every batch call run I make. Failing the batch. will this be corrected soon? or what do you suggest I do?

Rapid account: Api Sports
api-sports Commented vor 20 Tagen


On our side, latencies are normal on all our services. Average response times are between 200ms and 300ms.

Nothing has changed on our side either concerning servers or latencies. Some time ago we had a Rapidapi user who had a similar problem. He was based in Europe (like our servers) but Rapidapi’s proxies made him pass through the United States, which greatly increased latency on his side.
It would be a good idea for you to check this out. All you have to do is look at the history of your requests on the Rapidapi dashboard. In the history of each request you’ll find the “headers” section, which tells you which Rapidapi proxy the request went through.

For example :

“access-control-allow-credentials”: “true”,
“access-control-allow-headers”: “x-rapidapi-key, x-apisports-key, x-rapidapi-host”,
“access-control-allow-methods”: “GET, OPTIONS”,
“access-control-allow-origin”: “*”,
“content-length”: “8456”,
“content-type”: “application/json”,
“date”: “Tue, 14 May 2024 07:28:10 GMT”,
“server”: “RapidAPI-1.2.8”,
“vary”: “accept-encoding”,
“x-rapidapi-region”: “AWS - eu-central-1”,
“x-rapidapi-version”: “1.2.8”,
“x-request-id”: “cf7fa9a7-5c60-491c-a59a-bbb0a2e9fd53”

My request went through proxies in Europe “AWS - eu-central-1”

Regarding the error you reported, it looks like a connection error (according to the message) which could also be linked to what I’ve just described, but which would be on the Rapidapi side.

What you can do is also try calling without going through Rapidapi to see the difference (without their proxy the response will be much faster). You can do this on our dashboard with a free plan here : https://dashboard.api-football.com/


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