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Updated 2 months ago
LinkedIn geoUrn Codes
LinkedIn converts locations into geoUrn Codes in the browser url. For example, if you want to resolve to a page that looked up all the jobs in Seattle, Washington you would need to know the geoUrn for Seattle is 104116203 Please note: This database has ~11,000 (global) geoUrn codes and includes all major cities in the US and globally. However, this in not 100% inclusive of all geoUrns. More granular geoUrns might be missing, for example we have Miami, Flordia and Miami Metropolitan Area, BUT we do not have the geoUrn as granular as Miami Lakes, Florida. This just means you would still find Jobs, People, Companies, etc that you are looking for in Miami Lakes, but you would have to find them via searching in the Miami Metropolitan Area. With that being said, we are always adding geoUrns to the database.
Updated 2 months ago