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realtly limiting to one api call per 24 hour period

Rapid account: Tjaht 31
2 years ago

I’m trying to download data using zipcode and a lat/lon bounding box. It seems to be limiting me to only one api call per 24 hour period. It doesn’t seem like I’m downloading that many records in the calls that are working, but when I try to pass a new zip and bounding box it’s giving a 443 error. Does anyone know what the issue might be? My code is below:

url = “

querystring = {

headers = {
    'x-rapidapi-host': "",
    'x-rapidapi-key': ap_key

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)
Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 2 years ago


If you read the parameter (lat_max, lng_max,lat_min, lng_min) description carefully, you will see
"Look for properties in bounding box, this is the max latitude of the coordinate.
Has no affect if postal_code, or city or state_code parameter has value"

That means don’t use these parameters together, use “postal_code” OR “city” with “state_code” OR bounding box (lat_max, lng_max,lat_min, lng_min)


Rapid account: Lucheck 2
lucheck2 Commented 2 years ago

what’s wrong is the ‘properties’:[] is coming back empty. but if I type the same zipcode into I get plenty of properties returned. Or if I run this same request as the first request of the day with my python code it will return plenty of values in the ‘properties’:[] list. I have the code in a for loop, it makes a request for one zip code and lat/lon box at a time, then the next. It returns values for whichever zipcode and lat/lon combination is first in the list each day, then it’s empty for the rest.

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 2 years ago


It is not 403 status code so what is wrong? If you want to have properties in the result, you should recheck your request parameter and values. You can always recheck your requests in the back end area of RapidAPI.


Rapid account: Tjaht 31
tjaht31 Commented 2 years ago

thanks, what I’m getting from response.json() is below

{‘meta’: {‘build’: ‘3.23.180’,
‘schema’: ‘core.3’,
‘tracking_params’: {‘channel’: ‘for_sale’,
‘siteSection’: ‘for_sale’,
‘city’: ‘unknown’,
‘county’: ‘unknown’,
‘neighborhood’: ‘unknown’,
‘searchCityState’: ‘unknown’,
‘state’: ‘unknown’,
‘zip’: ‘94581’,
‘srpPropertyStatus’: ‘srp:for_sale’,
‘listingActivity’: ‘hide_pending’,
‘propertyStatus’: ‘for_sale’,
‘propertyType’: ‘any’,
‘searchBathrooms’: ‘any’,
‘searchBedrooms’: ‘any’,
‘searchMaxPrice’: ‘450000’,
‘searchMinPrice’: ‘unknown’,
‘searchRadius’: ‘unknown’,
‘searchHouseSqft’: ‘any’,
‘searchLotSqft’: ‘any’,
‘searchResults’: ‘unknown’,
‘sortResults’: ‘relevance’,
‘searchCoordinates’: ‘unknown’,
‘version’: ‘1.0’},
‘tracking’: ‘type|meta|data|resource_type|property_list|query|client_id|rdc_mobile_native,|prop_status|for_sale|schema|core.3|limit|offset|postal_code|94581|sort|relevance|price|(Any,450000.0)|is_pending|count|total5K|0^$0|1|2|$3|4|5|$6|7|8|9|A|B|C|N|D|O|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|-2]|8|9|L|-5|M|-5]]’,
‘returned_rows’: 0,
‘matching_rows’: 0},
‘properties’: []}

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 2 years ago


You should manually test the endpoint with a HTTP client such as : You then paste the response message here to get further help.


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