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How to use Feedback API JS SDK

You can read this article here.

In this example we will create blog on gatsby and added Like, Dislike functionality to our blog posts. For using Feedback API we will install SDK blips-and-chitz-feedback-api-sdk.


First we should create credentials for Feedback API. If you has already you can skip.

  1. Open Feedback API Portal
  2. Choose Credentials Section > createCredentials.
  3. Click Test Endpoint
  4. In response you will receive privateKey. Store this key.

Create blog

We will create simple blog in gatsby.

For this we need install gatsby-cli.

npm i -g gatsby-cli

After that create blog with following comand:

npx gatsby new gatsby-starter-blog


Custom hook

Lets integrate Feedback API to our blog.
Create custom hook useFeedbackApi in src/hooks/useFeedbackApi. In this hook we will use SDK.

Install SDK:

npm i blips-and-chitz-feedback-api-sdk

You should add your RapidAPIKey from Feedback API portal.

import { Client, FeedbackController } from "blips-and-chitz-feedback-api-sdk"
const client = new Client({
  timeout: 0,
  xRapidAPIKey: "RapidAPIKey",
const publicController = new FeedbackController(client)
function useFeedbackApi() {
  async function save(feedback, sentiment, page) {
    let resp
    if (feedback && {
      resp = await publicController.updateFeedbackById(, {
        tags: ["sample-blog"],
    } else {
      resp = await publicController.createFeedback({
        tags: ["sample-blog"],

    return resp.result
  return { save }

export default useFeedbackApi

As you can see we import blips-and-chitz-feedback-api-sdk.
We use createFeedback for create feedback, if feedback has not created. And updateFeedbackById when feedback has already created.
Tag sample-blog is tag for this project. We can simply filter by this tag in admin panel.

Documentation about all method in SDK you can see here.

Like component

Now we will create our component this thumb up and thumb down. I will use icons from react-icons.

npm i react-icons

And create component Like in src/components/like

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"

import { BiLike, BiDislike } from "react-icons/bi"

import useFeedbackApi from "../hooks/useFeedbackApi"

const Like = ({ page }) => {
  const feedbackApi = useFeedbackApi()
  const [feedback, setFeedback] = useState(null)
  const handleLikeClick = React.useCallback(
    async like => {
      const result = await, like, page)
      localStorage.setItem(`${page}_feedback`, JSON.stringify(result))
    [feedbackApi, feedback, page]
  useEffect(() => {
    setFeedback(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(`${page}_feedback`)) ?? null)
  }, [page])
  return (
    <div style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", fontSize: "20px" }}>
          paddingRight: "10px",
          color: feedback && feedback.sentiment ? "blue" : "black",
          cursor: "pointer",
        <BiLike onClick={handleLikeClick.bind(null, true)} />
          paddingRight: "10px",
          color: feedback && feedback.sentiment === false ? "blue" : "black",
          cursor: "pointer",
        <BiDislike onClick={handleLikeClick.bind(null, false)} />

export default Like

We save our feedback in localStorage. On component render we get from there, and show icons with blue or black color when state is like or dislike.

We made a handler on icons click and call with feedback from localStorage, location and like/dislike . After that we store in localStorage result of this function.


Now we should use our Like component in blog post. Open src/templates/blog-post.js.

Import component

import Like from "../components/like"

And now use this component inside BlogPostTemplate:

 <Like page={location.pathname} />

Look feedbacks

Now we can look our feedbacks on Feedback API portal.

  1. Open Feedback Section > getFeedback.
  2. Enter in X-API-KEY your privateKey from Credentials Section.
  3. Enter in tags - ["sample-blog"]. It’s for filter.
  4. Click Test Endpoint
  5. Now you can see all feedbacks from blog. You can also setup another filter. For example you want see all feedbacks on /my-blog/ page, just input in page parameters ["/my-blog/"].


That’s all. Simple 😃

In this way you can use not only in gatsby portal, you can use on every ReactJS Application.