Cricbuzz Cricket

Durch Cricket API | Aktualisiert hace 15 días | Sports

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Not able to make paymemnt for subscription

Rapid account: Admin FE
hace un año

I am not able to pay the subscription amount through credit card… any known issue?

Rapid account: Xapads
Xapads Commented hace un año

We’re facing same issue. Unable to make the payment & no response coming from support team.
Please help.

Rapid account: Admin FE
AdminFE Commented hace un año

I had raised the ticket on 27th Jan 1300 IST and still the issue is not resolved. N o response from the support team either.

If this is the case, how can we trust this api? When my app goes live and such issues happen, then how can we manage the downtime? It has taken 4 days (2 full working days) and no response!

Please provide me an alternate method to pay the subscription and get my app running.

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