Taobao/Tmall (淘宝) Data Service

Por Clover APIs | Actualizada 18 days ago | eCommerce

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plan limit ?

Rapid account: Hoyeon Qt 9 I Po Q 3 B 2 H
4 months ago
  1. Is there a daily request limit for the BASIC plan? Because I didn’t make 500 requests, I got a payment required error.
  2. Does the paid plan have no rate limit?
Rapid account: Iam Evara
iamEvara Commented 4 months ago

Hello, we rechecked on the problem, and it looks like the error was from our side. Everything is fully operational now.

Rapid account: Iam Evara
iamEvara Commented 4 months ago


Their is a monthly limit for the BASIC plan, which is 500 requests per month.

Their is no rate limit on any paid plan.

For further support, contact us through one of these channels.

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