Pharma Industry Data Collection

Par TRAWLINGWEB DATA | Mise à jour 2 months ago | News, Media

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Health Check



How to Use the Pharma Industry Data Collection API

Utilizing the Pharma Industry Data Collection API is straightforward and efficient. Follow these steps to access comprehensive pharmaceutical industry news:

1. Choose Your Ideal Plan

Select a subscription plan that aligns with your needs. We offer a range of options to suit different requirements and budgets, ensuring there’s a perfect plan for every user.

2. Select Your Country of Interest

You must choose the country for which you want to collect News. Please note: Use lowercase ISO codes for the countries, as uppercase codes will not yield any results. The available countries are:

Code Country Code Country
ag Antigua and Barbuda mx Mexico
ai Anguilla ni Nicaragua
ar Argentina nl Netherlands
at Austria nz New Zealand
au Australia pa Panama
aw Aruba pe Peru
bb Barbados pr Puerto Rico
be Belgium pt Portugal & Brazil
bl Saint Barthélemy py Paraguay
bm Bermuda sv El Salvador
bo Bolivia sx Sint Maarten
bq Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba tc Turks and Caicos Islands
br Brazil tt Trinidad and Tobago
bs Bahamas us United States
bz Belize uy Uruguay
ca Canada vc Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
ch Switzerland ve Venezuela
cl Chile vg British Virgin Islands
co Colombia de Germany
cr Costa Rica dm Dominica
cu Cuba do Dominican Republic
cw Curaçao ec Ecuador
es Spain eu European Union
fr France gb United Kingdom
gd Grenada gp Guadeloupe
gt Guatemala gy Guyana
hn Honduras ie Ireland
it Italy jm Jamaica
kn Saint Kitts and Nevis ky Cayman Islands
lc Saint Lucia lu Luxembourg
mf Saint Martin (French part) mq Martinique
ms Montserrat

3. Craft Customized Queries

Incorporate boolean syntax in your query field to refine your search results. Tailor your searches to yield the most relevant pharmaceutical industry information. For guidance on query crafting, refer to our syntax guide here.

Embark on Your Discovery

With these steps, you’re ready to delve into the extensive world of pharmaceutical news. Our Pharma Industry Data Collection API by TrawlingWeb provides up-to-date and pertinent information, keeping you informed in the fast-evolving pharmaceutical sector.

Spotlight Features of the Pharma Industry Data Collection API

Our API stands out in the market for its unique features, comprehensive use cases, and reliable performance. Here’s what makes the Pharma Industry Data Collection API a valuable tool for professionals in the pharmaceutical industry:

Unique Features

  • Comprehensive Data Coverage: Access a wide array of data encompassing pharmaceutical news, research updates, and market trends from countries worldwide.
  • Real-Time Updates: Our API provides real-time data, ensuring you receive the most current information available, which is crucial in the fast-paced pharmaceutical industry.
  • Advanced Data Filters: Utilize advanced query options to filter data by specific criteria such as date, region, or relevance, allowing for highly targeted information retrieval.

Use Cases

  • Market Research: Analysts can use our API to gather comprehensive data for market analysis, competitor assessment, and trend identification.
  • Academic Research: Researchers and students can access detailed information for academic projects, papers, or case studies related to pharmaceutical developments.
  • Business Strategy Development: Industry professionals can leverage the data to craft strategies based on the latest trends and market demands.

Performance and Reliability

  • High Availability: Our API is designed to be highly available with minimal downtime, ensuring you can access the data you need anytime.
  • Scalable Infrastructure: Built to handle requests at scale, our API can accommodate a surge in queries without compromising performance, ideal for both startups and large enterprises.
  • Secure Data Access: We implement the latest security protocols to ensure your data queries remain confidential and protected.

These spotlight features aim to provide our users with not only functional data but also strategic insights that can propel their success in the pharmaceutical industry. For more detailed examples and documentation, please visit our API documentation page.

Key Technical Considerations

Handling Paginated Results

The Pharma Industry Data Collection API returns up to a maximum of 100 results per query. For queries that generate more than 100 results, it is essential to manage pagination to access all available data.

Understanding Pagination

Each API response includes two key elements that you need to pay attention to for pagination:

  • totalResults: This field indicates the total number of results that match your query.
  • next_query: If the number of totalResults exceeds 100, this field will provide the necessary query to access the next page of results.

Example of Query with Pagination

Here is a step-by-step example of how to handle multiple pages of results:

  1. Perform your initial query and check the totalResults field.
  2. If totalResults is greater than 100, use the value from next_query to make the subsequent query.
  3. Repeat step 2 until you have retrieved all necessary results or until next_query is no longer present in the response.

Python Code Example

To help you implement pagination, below is an example of how you might make multiple calls using Python:

import requests

def fetch_all_results(base_url, params):
    response = requests.get(base_url, params=params)
    data = response.json()
    results = data['results']

    while 'next_query' in data:
        response = requests.get(base_url, params={'query': data['next_query']})
        data = response.json()

    return results

# Set initial parameters
base_url = ''
params = {
    'country': 'us',  # Country code in lowercase
    'query': 'initial query here'  # Your initial query

# Fetch all results
all_results = fetch_all_results(base_url, params)
print(f'Total results fetched: {len(all_results)}')

JavaScript Code Example

Here is how you might implement pagination using JavaScript with async/await in Node.js:

const axios = require('axios');

async function fetchAllResults(baseUrl, params) {
    let results = [];
    let response = await axios.get(baseUrl, { params });
    let data =;
    results = results.concat(data.results);

    while (data.next_query) {
        response = await axios.get(baseUrl, { params: { query: data.next_query } });
        data =;
        results = results.concat(data.results);

    return results;

// Configure initial parameters
const baseUrl = '';
const params = {
    country: 'us',  // Country code in lowercase
    query: 'initial query here'  // Your initial query

// Fetch all results
fetchAllResults(baseUrl, params).then(allResults => {
    console.log(`Total results fetched: ${allResults.length}`);
}).catch(error => {
    console.error('Error fetching data:', error);

Support Channels

For direct and immediate assistance, please feel free to use our dedicated support channels:

Telegram Support Channel

Join our Telegram channel for real-time support and updates. Click here to join: RapidAPIData Telegram Channel

Email Support

For more detailed inquiries or if you prefer to communicate via email, send us your questions or feedback at:

We are committed to providing you with the support you need to make the most of our API. Feel free to reach out through any of these channels!

Abonnés : 1
Ressources :
Site Web du produit Conditions d'utilisation
Créateur d'API :
Connectez-vous pour évaluer l'API
Note : 5 - Votes : 1