Price Analyzer

द्वारा espresso | अपडेट किया गया 2달 전 | Text Analysis

7.8 / 10



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Welcome to the Price & Currency Detector API! In the vast world of textual data, pinpointing precise financial information can be a daunting task. Whether you’re diving into e-commerce analytics, financial data analysis, or simply trying to extract prices and currencies from an ocean of words, our API stands as a beacon, guiding you effortlessly to your desired results.

Key Features:

  1. Price Detection:

    • Dive deep into any text and seamlessly pinpoint standalone prices.
    • Ideal for platforms and businesses focused on local markets or singular currency regions.
  2. Price & Currency Detection:

    • More than just numbers - discover the currency accompanying those prices.
    • Essential for enterprises operating globally and those dealing with multi-currency transactions.

Example results:

Source Price Currency
Price: $119.00 119 $
151,200 تومان 151200 تومان
Invest in an elephant for 6,66 $, you won't regret it. 6.66 $

Why Our API?

  • Precision: Harness the power of our cutting-edge algorithms, trained on a diverse array of datasets, ensuring results of the highest accuracy.
  • Swift and Efficient: Whether you’re querying a single data point or processing bulk requests, expect rapid and reliable responses.
  • Broad Currency Recognition: From major global currencies like USD, EUR, and GBP to lesser-known ones, our API has got you covered.
  • Ease of Integration: With a straightforward setup, clear documentation, and dedicated support, weaving our API into your applications becomes a seamless experience.

Get Started:

For detailed implementation steps, sample queries, and best practices, dive deeper into our documentation.

Explore the Endpoints tab for a practical understanding of request-response structures.

Sample code in more than 20 programming languages. Like PHP, Go, JavaScript, Kotlin, Python, Java.

Use Cases:

E-commerce Product Cataloging 🛍️:


An e-commerce platform receives product details from various sellers in different formats. The platform needs a consistent way to catalog these products.

API Utility:

Extract prices from product descriptions to ensure the right price tag before listing. 💲🔍

Invoice Processing Automation 🧾:


A company aims to streamline the processing of diverse invoices from vendors.

API Utility:

Quickly identify and validate billed amounts and their currencies from various invoices. 🖨️➡️💻

Market Research and Analytics 📈:


Research firms analyze reviews to deduce the price range consumers prefer for certain products.

API Utility:

Process extensive textual data for any price mentions, aiding in pinpointing an ideal price bracket. 📉💬

Final Thoughts:

A well-crafted tool is only as good as its user.

Need Assistance?:

Our dedicated support team is always on standby, ensuring your journey with our API remains smooth. For queries, feedback, or simply a chat about api, reach out! Ask questions

Happy Coding! 🚀

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API निर्माता:
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रेटिंग: 5 - वोट: 1