Risk Score Calculation

द्वारा Locwise Technologies Ltd | अपडेट किया गया 2달 전 | Medical
Health Check


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Medicare Advantage Risk Score Calculation API Tutorial

In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps required to use the Medicare Advantage Risk Score Calculation API. We’ll demonstrate how to send a request to the API and receive the calculated risk score using the CMS-HCC Model.


Before starting the tutorial, make sure you have:

  • An API key or authentication credentials (if required)
  • A client application to send requests to the API

Step 1: Import the necessary namespace

First, import the namespace containing the models for the API in your application.

using Cortex.OpenApi.Models;

Step 2: Create a RiskCalculationRequestModel object

Next, create a RiskCalculationRequestModel object and populate its properties with the required demographic details and diagnosis codes.

RiskCalculationRequestModel requestModel = new RiskCalculationRequestModel
    Demographics = new DemographicsModel
        AgeAsOfFebPaymentYear = 65,
        SexForClinicalUse = SexForClinical.Male,
        DisabledStatus = false,
        MedicaidEligibility = false
    DiagnosisCodes = new List<DiagnosisCodeWithUscdiClass>
        new DiagnosisCodeWithUscdiClass { DiagnosisCode = "E11.9", UscdiClass = "Condition" },
        new DiagnosisCodeWithUscdiClass { DiagnosisCode = "I10", UscdiClass = "Condition" }
    PaymentYear = 2023

Step 3: Implement the CalculateRiskScoreAsync method

Create a method called CalculateRiskScoreAsync that sends a request to the API with the RiskCalculationRequestModel object and returns the calculated risk score.

private async Task<double> CalculateRiskScoreAsync(RiskCalculationRequestModel requestModel)
    // Replace with the actual API endpoint URL
    string apiUrl = "https://api.example.com/api/risk-score";
    // Serialize the request model to JSON
    string jsonRequest = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestModel);

    // Send a POST request to the API with the JSON request
    using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
        // Add any necessary headers (e.g., authentication)
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer YOUR_API_KEY");

        // Create the HTTP content with the JSON request
        HttpContent content = new StringContent(jsonRequest, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

        // Send the request
        HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync(apiUrl, content);

        // Ensure the request was successful

        // Deserialize the response to a double value
        string jsonResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
        double riskScore = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<double>(jsonResponse);

        return riskScore;

Step 4: Call the CalculateRiskScoreAsync method and display the result

Finally, call the CalculateRiskScoreAsync method with the RiskCalculationRequestModel object and display the calculated risk score.

double riskScore = await CalculateRiskScoreAsync(requestModel);
Console.WriteLine($"Calculated Risk Score: {riskScore}");

That’s it! You’ve successfully used the Medicare Advantage Risk Score Calculation API to calculate a risk score using the CMS-HCC Model.