Euro Cup 2016 Live Scores

Da Simone | Aggiornamento 22 days ago | Entertainment
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API Pricing for Euro Cup Score

Rapid account: Hana Putri
8 years ago

Could we know what are the different between basic and pro package? we will just need end of the match score.

Rapid account: Heisenbug
heisenbug Commented 8 years ago

It’s easy,with a free plan you can issue till 10 calls for no live , and 10 calls for live APIs till to be charged for each extra call for the extra quota for that API, if you remain under the quota you will be not charged at all with a FREE plan. With a paid plan you have higher quota and lower extra price, so it more easy remain under the quota and paying only the subscription price, or to issue more extra calls without to have paying as much as with the FREE plan for the extra.

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