Holy Bible

Door Ajith Joseph | Bijgewerkt 16 days ago | Data

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Error 500. Internal server error

Rapid account: Juliette
7 years ago

I am working on a mobile app using Ionic 2 and Angular 2, everything seem right with my code but when i make a GET request to get the all Books It ends up with that error. Please help explain further what could be wrong with the API. GET https://ajith-holy-bible.p.mashape.com/GetBooks 500 (Internal Server Error)

Rapid account: Ajith
ajith Commented a year ago

Thanks for the message. Iโ€™ll fix it soon.

Rapid account: Nitinwilliam
nitinwilliam Commented a year ago

Hi, I am getting the same issue Error 500. Internal server error

Rapid account: Ajith
ajith Commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your notice.

There are some database issues. We are restoring the backup and will update you within 2 hrs.

Thank you.

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