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Can't get games for new week "Wild Card"

Rapid account: Techorrateam
vor 5 Monaten

I’m trying to get games for the new week “Wild Card” from :

url: ‘https://tank01-nfl-live-in-game-real-time-statistics-nfl.p.rapidapi.com/getNFLGamesForWeek’,
params: {week: ‘Wild Card’},

but getting this error result
error:“no games returned, check your parameters for syntax errors”

Is there another way to get the wild card games from getNFLGamesForWeek

Rapid account: Tank 01
tank01 Commented vor 5 Monaten

To get next week’s games, you’ll call it with week “2” and seasonType “post”. Of course these games will not be available until late Monday night or Tuesday morning, after the NFL makes next week’s schedule.

To get the Wild card week games any year, it’s always week “1” and seasonType “post”. “Wild Card Week” is always the first week of the playoffs.

Rapid account: Techorrateam
techorrateam Commented vor 5 Monaten

Thank you, tank01, for the guidance. I appreciate it. Just wanna know, what will be the process to retrieve Wild Card games in the future when the next Wild Card week arrives? Will we follow the same procedure each time?

Rapid account: Tank 01
tank01 Commented vor 5 Monaten

Hi techorrateam, yes the proper way is to call that same endpoint but with week:“1” and seasonType:“post”

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