Cryptocurrency Price Prediction API

Por ovinokurov | Atualizado 2달 전 | Financial

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This API is designed to predict the future price of a specified cryptocurrency using machine learning Algorithm and AI technology. Users can provide the frequency and period of prediction and receive predicted prices in the requested format. Additionally, the API also allows users to retrieve a list of available cryptocurrencies.

How to use:
The /predictions route provides an API for predicting the future price of a specified cryptocurrency. Users can provide the frequency and period of prediction, and receive predicted prices in the requested format.

To make a call to this API, the user should specify the frequency of prediction (hour, day, month, or year), the period of time to predict (24, 7, 12, 10, etc.), and the ID of the cryptocurrency (bitcoin, ethereum, crypto-com-chain, etc.) in the URL path. For example, to predict the hourly prices of Bitcoin for the next 24 hours, the user should make a GET request to the URL /predictions/hour/24/bitcoin.

The /cryptocurrencies route provides an API for retrieving a list of available cryptocurrencies. This can be useful for users who do not know the ID of the cryptocurrency they want to generate a report for. To make a call to this API, the user should make a GET request to the URL /cryptocurrencies. The API will return a list of available cryptocurrencies with their respective IDs and names.

API Endpoints:
/predictions//int:period/ Endpoint:
This endpoint returns a list of predicted cryptocurrency prices for the specified frequency and period. It accepts three parameters:

freq: The frequency of the predictions (hour, day, month, year)
period: The number of time units to predict (integer between 1 and 3652)
crypto: The ID of the cryptocurrency to predict
Example API Calls:

Response Format:
The API response is in JSON format and contains a list of predicted prices in the following format:
“date”: “2023-03-04 12:00:00”,
“price”: “65657.4084761515”
“date”: “2023-03-04 13:00:00”,
“price”: “65470.4395530887”


/cryptocurrencies Endpoint:
This endpoint returns a list of available cryptocurrencies with their ID and name.

Example API Call:

Response Format:
The API response is in JSON format and contains a list of available cryptocurrencies in the following format:
“id”: “bitcoin”,
“name”: “Bitcoin”
“id”: “ethereum”,
“name”: “Ethereum”


The Cryptocurrency Price Prediction API is a powerful tool for predicting the future price of a specified cryptocurrency using machine learning and AI technology. With simple API calls, users can receive accurate price predictions and retrieve a list of available cryptocurrencies.

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API Creator:
Rapid account: Ovinokurov
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