Temp Mail

By Privatix | Updated 15일 전 | Tools

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List of domain is invalid thus email are not showing up

Rapid account: Mattsinger
6년 전

As of today, we have started noticing that emails are not showing up when we send them to the email address generated by API using the list of available domains. The list of domains seems to be invalid and emails like gc6x0i@dayloo.com, l32qom@s0nny.com don’t work properly having issues to receive messages. Based on the front website, the list of domains should be different and much longer in comparison to API response

Rapid account: Privatix
Privatix Commented 5년 전

What bug? specify please

Rapid account: Box Sirteng
box_sirteng Commented 5년 전

this is still a bug

Rapid account: Privatix
Privatix Commented 6년 전

We are handling more than 500K incoming emails / hour. Sometimes there is a little overload issue but usually, it is fixed very fast. If your issue has not be resolved yet - please send us a message.

Rapid account: Yan Test
yan-test Commented 6년 전

TEMP MAIL - please fix it!

Rapid account: Yan Test
yan-test Commented 6년 전

I agree

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