By Admin | Updated 15 days ago | Entertainment

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Weekly Episodes

Rapid account: Ma Ft
7 years ago

How frequently are the ‘weekly episodes’ lists updated? Are these a daily update or just ‘as and when’?

E.g. once ‘Orphan Black’ finishes and it’s no longer being released weekly will it be removed from the list or stay on?

Also, shouldn’t “Chelsea” be on there? ID: 80049872)

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 7 years ago

closing ticket as issue was just a query

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 7 years ago

the database refreshes every 24 hours… starts around 03:00 GMT and finishes around 16:00 GMT

The way i monitor if a show is ‘weekly’ is if there are episodes listed which are not ‘available’ according to the API. If chelsea does not follow this model then it would not show up.

Rapid account: Behinder
Behinder Commented 7 years ago

Good point. I would llike to know also on what time database is refreshed in Warsaw Time Zone 😃

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