Pinnacle Odds

よって Tipsters CO | 更新済み 23 days ago | Sports

9.9 / 10





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Before use

If you are not logged in at the pinnacle site, you will see delayed data at the pinnacle site.
This API has no data delay

Getting the odds list

1. Getting the sport list

Use @List of sports endpoint

2. Getting the list of markets

Use @List of markets endpoint by sport_id

You can pass the event_type and is_have_odds parameters

Please note that prematch and live events are different


  "sport_id": 1,
  "sport_name": "Soccer",
  "last": 1658948800,
  "events": [
      "event_id": 1555760615,
      "sport_id": 1,
      "league_id": 2067,
      "league_name": "Germany - Cup",
      "starts": "2022-07-30T13:30:00",
      "last": 1658918461,
      "home": "Jahn Regensburg",
3. Getting completed events

Use @List of archive events endpoint by sport_id

4. Getting a history of odds

Use @Event details endpoint by event_id

List of object statuses

period status
1 - online, period is open for betting 2 - offline, period is not open for betting

period special status
O = This is the starting status. It means that the lines are open for betting,
H = This status indicates that the lines are temporarily unavailable for betting,
I = This status indicates that one or more lines have a red circle (a lower maximum bet amount)

Endpoints: @kit/v1/archive and @/kit/v1/details
1 = Event period is settled, 2 = Event period is re-settled, 3 = Event period is cancelled, 4 = Event period is re-settled as cancelled, 5 = Event is deleted

How to use the since parameter?

  1. Call the endpoint @List of markets WITHOUT the since parameter.
    You will get a list of ALL events and odds for that sport.
    Ex. /kit/v1/markets?sport_id=1
  2. In the response you will get the last property - for example, (1658948800).
    The last property is a UTC time stamp.
  3. Use the last value as the since parameter in the next call to the @List of markets endpoint.
    Ex. /kit/v1/markets?sport_id=1&since=1658948800.
  4. You will now get ONLY those events (full event data) which were changed after this timestamp + the NEW last value.
    Use steps 3-4 in your cycle.
    You must always use the since parameter, after starting your program cycle.
    To not get an error. You can request without a parameter since no more than 15 times in 5 minutes.

The first team is a home or away team?

API return opposite result?

The first team is not always the home team.
To determine this, use the endpoint @/kit/v1/leagues
Ex: “home_team_type”: “Team1”, or “home_team_type”: “Team2”

What’s num_0 and num_1?

Use endpoint @kit/v1/meta-periods
num_0 -> Match,
num_1 -> 1st Half
num_2 -> 2nd Half

How to handle duplicated parent events?

If a parent event was created with the wrong information in the immutable properties (participant names, league , …), a new parent event will be created with the correct information.
When the client detects a duplicate, by default can always use the event with the greater identifier value and in addition, monitor settled fixtures endpoint and discard the one that’s deleted or settled.

When is the market open for betting?

A straight market in a period is open for betting if in Get Odds response all these is true:

  1. Period status = 1
  2. Market (period) has odds.
  3. Period has cutoff is in the future.

What time zone is used for the API?

All times are GMT (0).

How do I know if an event is deleted or finished?

Please use @/kit/v1/archive endpoint to find out if the event’s period was settled or if the event was deleted.

Rapid account: Tipsters CO
Tipsters CO