Bing News Search

By Microsoft Azure | Updated 2달 전 | News, Media

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Using Azure API Directly

Rapid account: Zipit
6달 전

Folks, I have managed to work around RapidAPI and go directly to the Bing News API. It is a bit of a labyrinth, you have to create an Azure account and a subscription to get a key, but after that it’s straightforward. They have changed the API a bit, and it returns different JSON. If you want some help doing what I did, you can email me,

Rapid account: Rahuldangi 7878826560
rahuldangi7878826560 Commented 2달 전

i want to use bing news search but it is not working and showing client error. i want to use news trending section

Rapid account: Nabin 20
Nabin20 Commented 5달 전

dont understand what you both of them are taking about…but can you help me i got clientError(404) resource not found…please help me

Rapid account: Zeta Rapid API 1
ZetaRapidAPI1 Commented 6달 전

Thank you zipit, it helped me with an interim fix

Rapid account: Zipit
zipit Commented 6달 전

I lied, the JSON returned seems pretty much the same. I’m not sure what RapidAPI was doing behind the scenes, but the endpoint is:

and you need this header:

		Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: $YOUR_BING_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY

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