Google Search

By NEOSCRAP | Updated 2 days ago | Search

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This is an API used to retrieve data from real-time Google search results. It supports both web search and image search functionalities.

This API serves as a tool to fetch data directly from Googleโ€™s search engine, allowing you to access the most up-to-date information available in web and image search results. By integrating this API into your applications or services, you can provide users with instant access to relevant Google search results.

The main function of this API is to perform web searches and image searches. For web searches, the API enables you to retrieve a list of search results based on provided keywords, along with related information such as titles, URLs, descriptions, and other relevant attributes for each search result.

In addition to web searches, this API also supports image searches. You can search for images based on specific keywords and retrieve a list of relevant images along with information such as image URLs, dimensions, and other related attributes.

Google Search API

The Google Search API provides a convenient way to retrieve Google search results in JSON format. It offers two endpoints, each serving a specific purpose:


  1. /search

    • Function: Retrieve web search results.
    • Parameters:
      • q (required): The search query keywords.
      • gl (optional): Restricts the search to a specific country or region.
      • lr (optional): Specifies the language of the search results.
      • start (optional): The starting index of the displayed search results.
      • num (optional): The number of results to display in one request (1-20).
  2. /imagesearch

    • Function: Retrieve image search results.
    • Parameters:
      • q (required): The search query keywords.
      • gl (optional): Restricts the search to a specific country or region.
      • lr (optional): Specifies the language of the search results.
      • start (optional): The starting index of the displayed search results.
      • num (optional): The number of results to display in one request (1-20).

Getting Started

To use this API, you can make HTTP requests to the respective endpoints with the required parameters. The responses will be returned in JSON format.

Make sure to include your API key in the requests for proper authentication and authorization.


Here are a few examples demonstrating the usage of the API endpoints:

  1. Retrieve web search results:
GET /search?q=keyword&gl=us&lr=lang_en
  1. Retrieve image search results:
GET /imagesearch?q=keyword&gl=us&start=0&num=10


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