By noobieo | Updated 2달 전 | Payments
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This API helps you create UPI QR code images that you can use for personalized payments. Make the payment smooth by creating the QR code image. Send your clients a QR code image that contains all the payment details and your client can pay you just by scanning the QR code and entering the UPI pin.
Benefits of Using our service:

  1. We guarantee 100% uptime. We are using AWS Lambda to serve your request.
  2. Simple parameters required to create QR code.
  3. You can create the QR code by just providing your UPI virtual ID and Your Name.
  4. You can also provide the amount to prefill the amount in the client UPI app.
  5. You can create a UPI QR code with your company logo Please provide an image link that is square in shape to generate a good QR.
  6. Create a dynamic size QR image by providing the size parameter.
  7. Create a Colored QR code.
  8. The download link is valid for at least 1 week.

The request parameters are as follow:

  1. vpa: Virtual Private Address created from any bank UPI APP eg. your_name@ybl :: REQUIREMENT: MANDATORY
  2. payee: Receiver of the payment :: REQUIREMENT: MANDATORY
  3. amount: Amount of transaction :: REQUIREMENT: OPTIONAL
  4. size: Size of the UPI QR Code to be generated. The value range from 1 to 40. If blank, then default size will be applied. Start with 1 and see if your UPI QR code image and increase it gradually to get perfect size image. :: REQUIREMENT: OPTIONAL
  5. url: Transaction Reference URL :: REQUIREMENT: OPTIONAL
  6. sign: Base 64 encoded Digital signature needs to be passed in this tag :: REQUIREMENT: OPTIONAL
  7. orgid: If the transaction is initiated by any PSP app then the respective orgID needs to be passed. :: REQUIREMENT: OPTIONAL
  8. transaction_note: Transaction note for the current transaction displayed to the user :: REQUIREMENT: OPTIONAL
  9. currency: Currency for the current transaction. This default to INR :: REQUIREMENT: OPTIONAL
  10. logo_url: If Logo URL is not provided, UPI QR Code will be generated without Logo. You should check whether QR Code is readable after displaying the logo. Provide a valid link as param otherwise an error will be thrown. :: REQUIREMENT: OPTIONAL
  11. colored: In case Require colored QR pass true:: REQUIREMENT: OPTIONAL
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