By APIRust | Updated 4 giorni fa | SMS

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Separate price for USA and Canada

Rapid account: Alexupit
a month ago

Seems to be working again now, but… Since most providers charge much less for SMS to USA and Canada and your routes are probably cheaper for USA and Canada compared to the rest of the world, have you thought about offering a cheaper option for USA & Canada? Paying 6 or 7 cents for USA and Canada when others charge 1 cent or less is a bit too much. Let me know if there is any possibility for separate pricing for texting +1 destinations. Regards!

Rapid account: Shanjohridev
shanjohridev Commented a month ago

Thank you for reaching out to us. Please note that we’ve simplified SMS pricing and deliver SMS to all countries. Hence, our pricing is the average fee (~7 cents) you’ll have to pay if you want to send SMS to any country in the world. For your specific requirement to send SMS to US/Canada, we’ve sent you a DM with additional information on the same.
Thank you for your support.

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