Golf Leaderboard Data

By sportcontentapi | Updated 23 days ago | Sports

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Getting Started


To get going with the Golf Leaderboard API you need only determine a few simple ids to plug into the leaderboard endpoint. The below is an example workflow to get a desired tournaments leaderboard.


GET /tours -> GET fixtures/tour_id/season_id-> GET /leaderboard/id

View Tours Endpoint

The tours endpoint will list the available tours, the tour_id, and theseason_id which are used to plug into the fixtures endpoint. Each tour also has an active attribute which determines if it is the current season or not.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Send us a message and we’ll see if what we can do.

View Fixtures for Desired Tour and Season

Say you’ve selected tour_id = 1 and season_id = 2020, now simply call the fixtures endpoint with these parameters, and you’ll be presented with a list of all the fixtures for that tour/season combination. Here you can get the unique id for the tournament you wish to view to plug into the leaderboard endpoint.

View Leaderboard

Now you just need to call the leaderboard endpoint with the desired competition id, (131 for this weekends Celtic Classic in Wales) and away you go! Remember, leaderboards are available from about 24 hours prior to the beginning of each tournament.

If you have any issues or questions, feel free to give us a shout!