Word Dictionary

By Twinword API | Updated 2 महीने पहले | Text Analysis

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Rapid account: Bhavika 2210
एक वर्ष पहले

I recently subscribed to twinword’s word dictionary api, it says that I am not subscribed on the dashboard. However, I did get the confirmation of my subscription on my email

Rapid account: Brianne Ruecker
BrianneRuecker Commented 3 महीने पहले

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Rapid account: Kaitlynn Raymond
KaitlynnRaymond Commented 4 महीने पहले

Thank you so much for the link.

Rapid account: Jamesstidham 22
jamesstidham22 Commented 5 महीने पहले

Thanks for the link, I found it useful for me.

Rapid account: Twinword
twinword Commented एक वर्ष पहले

Hi Bhavika2210,

My name is Ashton from Twinword. First, thank you for your interest in Twinword API!

I assume you are trying to subscribe Twinword API at RapidAPI. If it’s true, you can ask your status at https://rapidapi.com/contact-us since subscription and billing are completely handled by RapidAPI.

Also, this page, https://docs.rapidapi.com/docs/subscriptions-and-usage might be helpful.

I hope this helps you.


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