Sky Scrapper

By apiheya | Updated il y a 14 jours | Travel

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Is there a way to limit the number of results we get from searchFlights endpoint?

Rapid account: Sami Z Sly Si 9 T
il y a 4 mois


We were working with this API. Although it works really well but the problem we are facing is that the searchFlights endpoint takes almost 20 secs to fetch the results which is alot unfortunately for our use case.
Is there a way we can limit the number of responses from this endpoint se we may get faster results?


Rapid account: Sami Z Sly Si 9 T
sami-ZSlySi_9t Commented il y a 4 mois

Hello, Any update in this regard will be greatly appreciated Thanks.

Rapid account: Sami Z Sly Si 9 T
sami-ZSlySi_9t Commented il y a 4 mois


Do you have any update in this regard?

Rapid account: Sami Z Sly Si 9 T
sami-ZSlySi_9t Commented il y a 4 mois

Sorry for the late response. But we are currently subscribed to the pro plan and we may switch to the ultra plan in the future.

Rapid account: Apiheya
apiheya Commented il y a 4 mois


Certainly, we can provide an API for you, but it will take at least 2 working days to develop. Do you have a plan that you subscribe to?


Rapid account: Sami Z Sly Si 9 T
sami-ZSlySi_9t Commented il y a 4 mois

Interested in that API for sure. Can you detail how I can access it? Thanks again for your response.

Rapid account: Apiheya
apiheya Commented il y a 4 mois

Yes, that’s correct, but you cannot limit the number of recodes. Initially, it may send as many records as it can. Let’s say there are 300 records total. The first request can give 20 or so, while the next request can give 150 records. To fetch all 300 records, you must call the same API multiple times.

Rapid account: Sami Z Sly Si 9 T
sami-ZSlySi_9t Commented il y a 4 mois

Thank you for getting back to me.

If I understand correctly, is there a possibility that we can poll the API uptil a certain number of results are obtained and then not send any more requests. Let me know if that’s possible on your end.
Or let me know if there’s a possibility for us to implement this strategy.

Thank you again.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Rapid account: Apiheya
apiheya Commented il y a 4 mois


Skyscanner has an API where you need to poll (request the same API again) until it has completed getting all the data. Our current approach involves making multiple API calls on our end to prevent the user from polling on their end. This is causing the search for flights to take a long time. If you wish to conduct a poll on your end, please inform me. We can give you access to that API. To obtain complete records, it’s important to call the same API 2-3 times.

Best Regards.

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