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Datetime instead of timestamp

Rapid account: Akshay Ijantkar
il y a 4 ans

Can I put Datetime instead of timestamp? Because it is difficult to convert DateTime to timestamp epochs before 1970

Rapid account: Apihood
apihood Commented il y a 4 ans

You are welcome. Glad to help. The basic plan has 3000 free requests every month. Please note the plan has soft limit, so after 3000 free requests in particular month there is price $0.001 per request.

Rapid account: Akshay Ijantkar
Akshay-Ijantkar Commented il y a 4 ans

Thank you for your help! Its mentioned 3000 requests/month quota for the basic plan, is it for every month or just for the first month of trial?

Rapid account: Apihood
apihood Commented il y a 4 ans

Hi @Akshay-Ijantkar, Iā€™m sorry, but it is not possible for now. But I removed timestamp validation so you can specify negative number as number of seconds before 1970. So for example timestamp=-631152000 means 1950-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. Hope that helps.

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