Paraphrasing Tool

By Healthy Tech | Updated 2 months ago | Text Analysis

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Rapid account: Healthy Tech
Healthy Tech
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Automatically rewrite your sentences and paragraphs - Paraphrasing Tool uses an advanced machine learning algorithm to replace words and phrases in your text to make it unique, perfect for finding a new way to explain sentences or articles. it also has the capacity to remove plagiarism from large bodies of text although we donโ€™t endorse the use of this tool for unethical applications.

Our machine learning powered text rewriter is the fastest and most efficient text rewriting tool on the market, it also fixes any spelling mistakes in the process.

To use you simply send the JSON payload as a POST request with the body:

"sourceText": "Your text here"

Feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss a custom API plan or if you have any feedback, feature requests or questions.