User authentication

By IDfy | Updated hace 2 meses | Commerce
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Welcome to IDfy’s User Authentication API! This API is easy to integrate with and helps you keep identity risks in check.

It consists of the following set of checks:

  1. Face Compare
  2. Face Liveness Detection
  3. Name Compare

Please refer to the end of this section for response codes and corresponding messages.

Face Compare API

IDfy’s Face Compare API ensures that the documents provided to you belong to the individuals you expect them to.

It takes two images (URL or base64) as input and returns a match score on a scale of 1 to 100, with 100 indicating a perfect match.

How does it help you?

  • Automate workflows
    Comparing faces manually is subjective and time consuming. Allow a smart algorithm to do it for you.

  • Tackle fraud
    Eliminate fraudulent individuals by identifying inconsistencies across different images.

Face Liveness Detection

Face Liveness Detection API helps you uncover fraud by ensuring that the image you have been provided is not a picture of a picture, an image of another individual on a phone/laptop screen or of poor quality.

How does it help you?

It eliminates the need to manually validate if images are live and helps you detect fraudulent entries by analysing the following data points:

  • Is the face live or a photo of a photo?
  • Is the face cropped?
  • Is the image optimally lit?
  • Is the image too close/far from the camera?
  • Coordinates of where the image was taken

Name Compare

IDfy’s Name Compare API ensures that the documents provided to you belong to the individuals you expect them to.

It takes two names (string) as input and returns a match score on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating a perfect match.

How does it benefit you?

  • Onboard faster
    Comparing names manually is cumbersome. Allow a smart algorithm to do it for you.

  • Tackle fraud
    Eliminate fraudulent individuals by identifying inconsistencies across different name fields.

Response codes

Response code Message/Error
200 Task was created successfully (sync)
202 Task was created successfully (async)
400 Bad request
401 Account ID or API Key was missing from header
403 Invalid Authentication Credentials
404 Not Found
413 Request Size Limit
429 Rate Limit Exceeded
500 Internal Server Failure or server timed out
502 Bad gateway

Facing issues with the API?

If you run into any issues using the API or have any questions, please contact and we will be happy to help.