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GET /fixtures - empty response body & status 200

Rapid account: Panicz 27
il y a 16 jours

What is a reason of getting empty response body and status code 200? I observed this problem today. Two days ago it worked fine.


Rapid account: Angelos 1991
angelos1991 Commented il y a 16 jours

Hey, I have the same problem.

Rapid account: Fpenchenat
fpenchenat Commented il y a 16 jours

thanks for your time, i start to switch today.
Have a nice weekend

Rapid account: Api Sports
api-sports Commented il y a 16 jours

@infobetvisor and all other users,

As @fpenchenat confirmed by testing the API directly on our dashboard, the problem is indeed with Rapidapi. Perhaps it’s best to unsubscribe from Rapidapi and register on our dashboard until we’ve heard back from RapidAPI and they fix this problem.

Rapid account: Api Sports
api-sports Commented il y a 16 jours

Yes, the problem is well from Rapidapi, as I told you.

Yes, you can unsubscribe from RapidAPI and subscribe on our dashboard. You’ll have to change the call URL and API-KEY on your end, but everything else remains the same.


Rapid account: Fpenchenat
fpenchenat Commented il y a 16 jours

thanks and i confirm it’s good if i use your dashboard…
What the solution ? stop subscription on rapidapi and start directly on this : https://dashboard.api-football.com/ ?

Rapid account: Infobetvisor
infobetvisor Commented il y a 16 jours

@fpenchenat, same behaviour for me as well!

Rapid account: Infobetvisor
infobetvisor Commented il y a 16 jours

I have the same issue in my iOS app - can’t fetch fixtures by date. Testing the endpoint in RapidApi using Swift also doesn’t work for me.

Rapid account: Api Sports
api-sports Commented il y a 16 jours

As you can see on your screenshot, you opened an account in 2021 on our dashboard but it was suspended due to inactivity. I have just reactivated it so that you can test it.

Rapid account: Fpenchenat
fpenchenat Commented il y a 16 jours

I have a subscription by rapidapi : https://ibb.co/Nr9hrYW

Rapid account: Fpenchenat
fpenchenat Commented il y a 16 jours

First time i go here : https://dashboard.api-football.com/soccer/tester
and my account is suspended XD https://ibb.co/YkCwzRv

So i can’t test : my email fpenchenat@gmail.com

