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NULL or missing values

Rapid account: A 2 K
a year ago

I am using the JavaScript jQuery API for daily station data.

Lets say I want to retrieve station data for station D2968 for the 2013-06-09:

Object { date: “2013-06-09”, tavg: 16.6, tmin: 13.1, tmax: 20.2, prcp: 4.8, snow: null, wdir: null, wspd: null, wpgt: null, pres: null, tsun: null }

As u can see, I get many NULL values. But when doing the same with the Meteostat Python Library I get the following list:

date: 2013-06-09, tavg: 16.6, tmin: 13.1, tmax: 20.2, prcp: 4.8, snow: 0.0, wdir: 342.0, wspd: 12.6, wpgt: 29.2, pres: 1009.5, tsun: 174.0.

So the values actually exist, but are not returned using the JS jQ API. This happens consistently throughout the queries I make.

Whats wrong/What am I doing wrong?

Thanks ahead!!

  • as of now, I am not subscribed to paid plan. Might that be the reason?
Rapid account: A 2 K
a2k Commented a year ago

Hey, thanks for the clarification. My bad! Everything works for me now using the interpolated point data with the RapidAPI interface.

Rapid account: Meteostat
meteostat Commented a year ago

The discrepancy occurs because you’re using a Point instead of a station ID in your Python script. In order to get data for the station D2968 you’d have to do this:

dataTen = Daily(‘D2968’, startTen, endTen)

Otherwise, you’ll get interpolated data from multiple stations.

Rapid account: A 2 K
a2k Commented a year ago

Hey, thx for the reply.

Yes, I mean the GET daily station data jQuery code provided by RapidAPI.

Sure. In order to get the station data via Meteostat Python Library I use the following:

from meteostat import Point, Daily, Stations
import datetime as dt
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

latitude = 50.9507252
longitude = 6.9665561

##Get nearby weather stations according to latitude and longitude
stations = Stations()
stations = stations.nearby(latitude, longitude)
station = stations.fetch(1)

stationlat = list(station.values[0])[5]
stationlon = list(station.values[0])[6]
location = Point(stationlat, stationlon)

#today - 10y
dateTen = - relativedelta(years=10)
yearTen = dateTen.year
monthTen = dateTen.month
dayTen =
startTen = dt.datetime(yearTen, monthTen, dayTen)
endTen = dt.datetime(yearTen, monthTen, dayTen)
dataTen = Daily(location, startTen, endTen)
dataTen = dataTen.fetch()


Which returns this:
tavg tmin tmax prcp snow wdir wspd wpgt pres tsun
2013-06-09 16.6 13.1 20.2 4.8 0.0 342.0 12.6 29.2 1009.5 174.0

Rapid account: Meteostat
meteostat Commented a year ago


By “JavaScript jQuery API” you mean the RapidAPI interface? I can confirm the data above is consistent with the data provided on the website:

Also, I’m getting the same data using the Python lib.


from meteostat import Daily
from datetime import datetime

print(Daily(‘D2968’, datetime(2013, 6, 9), datetime(2013, 6, 9)).fetch())


        tavg  tmin  tmax  prcp  snow  wdir  wspd  wpgt  pres  tsun

2013-06-09 16.6 13.1 20.2 4.8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

Can you share your Python code?

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