Meta Ad Library

By Omar M'Haimdat | Updated 2ヶ月前 | Data

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Major Issue - Search Ads Endpoint Not Loading

Rapid account: Mhisham 3973

Salam / Hello


I have been a purchaser of your api’s for a while. I am facing some issues in your search ads endpoint. Despite putting continutation token, it never fully loads all the ads.

number_ads is very accurate up to 99% to the original ads library of facebook.

but the keys ( total ads shown in your response ) is usually 10-15 maximum and despite putting conitintation token, it randomly changes total keys to sometimes less, sometimes more, sometimes no change. This is very frustrating as i have to hit the the api again and again leading to many api hits which is becoming unaffordable for me to continue.

Moreover, currently your sample data response focuses on image ads more than videos, so out of those 10-15 ads all of them will be mainly image ads only even if official ads library has videos ( perfect example domain as input in search ads or cernucci )

can you please ensure that IF someone clicks the contintation token then it should load all the ads fully? Most of the time the “all_ads_loaded” parameter returns false… not most actually 100% of the time.

Please look into this as soon as possible as i was planning to upgrade to the max package but this is causing a hurdle for me. If you can give me your whatsapp, i do not mind sending you video of the errors in deep explanation.

Thank you,

Rapid account: Mhisham 3973
mhisham3973 Commented 1ヶ月前

waiting for reply on my previous comment : /

Rapid account: Mhisham 3973
mhisham3973 Commented 1ヶ月前

Noted, so to get more ads for next page, i have to keep hitting the api and then refresh input parameter by adding new contination token again and again for every new page?
that will eat up a lot of my tokens sadly : (

i would be thankful if you can add a page parameter which shows which page its getting data from after putting contiintation token. for example if on first page then page 0 ( when initially api is called for 1st time ) and then when called again with the contination token then it shows page 1 or page 2 etc…

otherwise it creates confusion

Rapid account: Omarmhaimdat
omarmhaimdat Commented 2ヶ月前

Hello H,

Thank you for using the API, I am going to answer your questions in the same order you asked them:

  1. Continuation Token: The continuation token is used to get the next page of results, if you are not getting all the ads, it is possible that the continuation token is not being used correctly. You need to make sure that you are using the continuation token returned in the response to get the next page of results. If you can provide me with the code you are using to make the requests, I can help you debug it.

  2. Video Ads: The API returns all the ads that are available in the Facebook Ads Library, I did test the API with the domain and I was able to get video ads.

  3. All Ads Loaded: The “all_ads_loaded” parameter is used to indicate if there are more ads available, if it is returning false, it means that there are more ads available. If you are not getting all the ads, it is possible that the continuation token is not being used correctly.

Please be aware that I do not alter the data returned by Meta, I only provide access to the public data through the API.

If you can provide me with more information, I will be happy to help you further.


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