USPTO Trademark

By Marton Kodok | Updated 2 months ago | Business

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Instant trademark search, trademark keyword availabity, search trademarks from USPTO, filter on owner/applicant information, expiration date, retrieve classification, all details from United States Patent and Trademark Office.

The USPTO Trademark API helps you obtain trademark & service mark data in an efficient and comprehensive manner. Easily search for active marks & retrieve data pertaining to specific marks, such as the mark’s name, serial and registration numbers, its status, owner information, and much more. Conduct keyword searches, scan a wide range of services, check mark availability, identify expiring trademarks, perform serial number, owner, and classification searches, and more.

Key Features:

Keyword Search:

  • Search for specific trademarks using a keyword.
  • Refine your search with generic search or full text search.

Availability Check:

  • Check if a trademark is available for use before filing an application.

Expiring Trademarks:

  • Identify trademarks that are projected to expire within a specified date range.

Serial Number Search:

  • Retrieve detailed information about a trademark using its serial number.

Owner Search:

  • Search for trademarks owned by a specific individual or organization.

Batch Processing:

  • Batch search for multiple keywords, serial numbers, or owners for efficient data retrieval.

Pagination Support:

  • Efficiently retrieve large result sets using pagination.

Database Status:

  • Get information about the freshness of the API’s database, including the latest update date and the number of records.

Additional Functionality:

  • Serial number and owner search.
  • Classification code lookup.
  • Filing and expiration date search.
  • Status search for active and inactive trademarks.

Use Cases:

  • Attorneys can quickly search and retrieve trademark information for their clients.
  • Businesses can scan millions of trademarks to ensure the availability of their desired mark.
  • Software agencies can leverage the API to verify marks and conduct investigations.
  • Researchers can analyze trademark data for trends and patterns.
  • Individuals can check the availability of a mark before using it in their business or brand.


  • Easy to use and integrate.
  • Powerful search capabilities with flexible filters.
  • Access to a comprehensive and up-to-date database of trademarks.
  • Batch processing for efficient data retrieval.
  • Pagination support for easy navigation of large result sets.
  • Regular database updates for the most current information.

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Rapid account: Marton Kodok
Marton Kodok
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