Linkedin API

By RockApis | Updated vor 3 Tagen | Data

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No Activities Scraper?

Rapid account: Anthony F AD 00 Sf FF
vor 2 Monaten

Phantom Buster has a scraper that scrapes a user’s activities (as in, all their likes, etc).
The main reason, I’d imagine, people prefer to use APIs such as this is because it keeps their account from getting flagged for suspicious activity.

Any plans to add an endpoint on the LinkedIn API for activity scraping?
I know the current endpoints allow you to see the likes and comments on a post, but I’m talking about seeing what a user has liked.


Rapid account: Therockapis
therockapis Commented vor einem Monat

Hello Anthony. The endpoint is ready!. You can see “Get Profile Reactions” to see what a user has liked

Rapid account: Therockapis
therockapis Commented vor 2 Monaten

Hello. Yes, it’s on our to-do list. We will soon add a new endpoint to scrape posts that users react to.

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