
By Songstats App | Updated 14 hours ago | Music

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👋 Welcome to The Songstats API

With the Songstats API, you can:

  • Fetch music data across 18 streaming and social media services
  • Grab detailed playlist, chart and audience information
  • Collect historic insights on tracks, artists and labels

The currently supported data sources include:

Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Shazam, 1001Tracklists, Beatport, Traxsource, iTunes, Tidal, SoundCloud, Facebook, 𝕏 (Twitter), Songkick & Bandsintown


Music Data across all DSPs

The Songstats API is the perfect solution for anyone that wants to collect music data across multiple data sources.

Based on simple REST principles, the Songstats API returns JSON data about artists, labels, and tracks, directly from the Songstats database.
It is streamlined to reduce development time by providing data from all supported DSPs within just one single request.

Dig into the documentation to discover how you can enhance your platform with powerful music data.
All endpoints are streamlined to allow for a quick and easy implementation, saving development time and providing reliable and fast data.

Getting Started

The Songstats API returns overall statistics like follower numbers, play counts and popularity, as well as more detailed insights for playlist positions, chart entries, DJ supports and features. Historic data can be fetched to complete the data set, and a catalog endpoint lists all releases associated with a given artist or label.

Requesting data is as easy as providing an ISRC or Spotify ID for the Songstats API to smartly return all the data associated with it. Each request can be filtered by source or return data across all sources, and can be fetched multiple times per day to always keep your insights up to date.

If you ever thought about implementing more insightful music data into your distribution dashboard, mobile application or reporting tool, right now is the time to do it faster than ever before. Any new data source that is integrated into Songstats in the future will automatically become available to all API customers as well.

General Principles

The Songstats API does a lot of the work in the background for you. From automatically aggregating track links, to matching metadata and prioritizing the data collection of recently fetched tracks. Some general principles apply:

  • When requesting a new song for the first time via ISRC or SpotifyID that is not yet in the database, Songstats will automatically search for the track links across all platforms and add them. When requesting the song the next time, all aggregated data will start to show up.

  • Historic Playlist & Chart information is available for every track no matter when they got added. For all resource specific statistics, like follower numbers, stream counts and popularity, historic data will be collected from the date they first got added to the database.

  • If a particular resource was requested once within the last 30 days, it will be flagged as “relevant” in our system and updated more frequently to provide the most recent insights.

Rate Limiting

Rate Limiting enables the Songstats API to share access bandwidth to its resources equally across all users. Rate limiting is applied as per application based on its API Key. If the API returns status code 429, it means that you have sent too many requests to the same resource.

By default, each exact resource (specific tracks, artists, labels, etc) can be requested 100 times during a 30 day period, allowing to refresh the same resources on average 3 times per day.

Uptime Status

You can check the current uptime status and service updates at:


Making authorized requests to the Songstats API requires a valid API Key. You can request an API Key by contacting Never publicly share your API Key.

By using the Songstats Enterprise API, you accept the Songstats Terms of Service.

Built with ❤️ by Songstats.