
By omgvamp | Updated 16 दिन पहले | Entertainment

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How to get this type of card by a single Class search ?

Rapid account: Headmo
7 वर्ष पहले

API Version : Updated all data for “Mean Streets of Gadgetzan” patch
Cardid : CFM_853
Card name : Grimestreet Smuggler

In fact this card can be used by both {Hunters, Paladins, and Warriors}

From the API,
how can i include this card by a Paladin Class search ?
e.g. GET https://omgvamp-hearthstone-v1.p.mashape.com/cards/classes/{Paladin}

Thanks very much for this GREAT API
and thanks for your help !!!

Rapid account: Headmo
headmo Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

Thanks very much for your prompt help ! :>it is very useful!!!

Rapid account: Omgvamp
omgvamp Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

Grimestreet Smuggler is a Neutral card in game so it is going to be returned as a Neutral card in the API. I did however just add additional properties to identify which classes can play which tri-class cards.

Grimestreet Smuggler now has a property named multiClassGroup to identify its class group. In this case: Grimy Goons. In addition to that it now has a property named classes, which has a list of the classes that can play the card. In this case: Hunter, Paladin and Warrior.

You can see all the latest changes here: http://hearthstoneapi.com/.

Rapid account: Omgvamp
omgvamp Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

I’ll take a look at how the tri-class card info can be made available through the API. Thanks for the report!

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