Skyscanner vs Google Flights (API Comparison)

A side-by-side comparison of Skyscanner and Google Flights API on RapidAPI.

Learn which flight API is best for you to enrich your website, software, or mobile application with flight data to help find your users find the best possible deal.

Update: Google Flights API is now deprecated.

FeatureSkyscannerGoogle FlightsComments
Deprecated?NoYesGoogle Flights API is now deprecated, consider using the Official Skyscanner Flight API instead.
Official API?YesYesBoth are official APIs.
API NameSkyscanner Flight SearchGoogle Flights
Search FlightsYesYesBoth APIs can poll flights.
Created bySkyscannerGoogle
Programming LanguagesNode.js, PHP, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, Java (Android), C# (.NET), cURL, RapidQLn/a
Get Free API KeySkyscanner Flight Searchn/a


Both Skyscanner and Google flights API are powerful flight search APIs. However, with the deprecation of Google Flights in 2018, Skyscanner is the best flights API to start building a flight booking website or app.

Related Questions

Which flight search engine is best?

This is very subjective by each user, but Skyscanner seems to be the preferred flight search API by RapidAPI users (versus Kayak).

Is it safe to book through Skyscanner?

Yes, Skyscanner is a trusted travel website and metasearch engine that launched in 2002.

How do you find the cheapest flights on Google Flights?

Google Flights API (QPX Express) is no longer available. You can search for the cheapest flights on APIs such as Skyscanner, Kayak, and other flight search APIs.

Related APIs

Do you agree with our verdict? Which API do you think is better? Let us know in the comments below.