HTTP Status Codes
HTTP Status Codes are three-digit codes that are returned in server responses to HTTP requests. Status codes tell the client about the status of the request, whether it was successful, and what the problem is if there is one. Understanding status codes is very helpful as it allows you to quickly diagnose errors. Some status codes even greatly impact SEO and the search engine's ability to crawl your site's content.
As a reminder, this is the basic structure of an HTTP response. You'll always find the status code in the appropriately named status line.
There are five groups of status codes to know about. These are 1XX, 2XX, 3XX, 4XX, and 5XX. Each group represents a different type of response from a server.
Starting with 1XX. These are informational responses. They are rarely seen because they are issued when a request is being processed and not in the final HTTP response. As an example, Status code 100 'Continue' indicates the request is being handled and the client can continue.
The next group is 2XX which indicates successful responses (the server delivered the expected response). For example, status code 200 'OK' indicates a perfectly successful request. Status code 201 'Created' indicates a successful request where a new resource was created. This is typically a response to POST or PUT requests.
3XX responses indicate redirection is required. The resource or page requested was found, however, not at the expected URL. Most redirection responses include the actual URL the resource was found at, which should be used to make future requests. As an example, 302 'Found' indicates the URI has temporarily changed and may change again in the future.
4XX codes are for client-side errors. They indicate the resource/page could not be found. This could be due to non-existent resources, unauthorized clients, or too many requests. 400 'Bad Request' means the request was invalid, and 404 'Not Found' means the requested URL is not recognized.
The final group is 5XX. These are server errors. They can occur if the server is down for reasons such as maintenance or too much traffic. They can also indicate unknown server problems. 500 'Internal Server Error' indicates an unknown server error, and 503 'Service Unavailable' indicates the server is temporarily down but will return to functioning later.