The RapidAPI Marketplace includes a wide range of APIs. There’s APIs for building chatbots, accessing global weather data, building cryptocurrency apps– name any capability you need for your app and odds are there’s an API available that provides it. One of the categories of APIs that is sometimes overlooked is Identity Data APIs. There’s a wide variety of Identity Data APIs listed in our Marketplace, each providing specific identity data and suitable for specific use cases. Identity data is not always necessarily about identifying a person or company name, address, and phone number, although there are APIs that return that information if it’s available publicly.
This post highlights a few of the different types of Identity Data APIs available and what developers could do with these APIs.
Create Full Profiles in Marketing and Sales Systems
The FullContact Enrich API provides access to data that can be used to enrich the customer profiles in marketing and sales systems. The API allows systems to take existing data fragments such as a person or company name, email address, or phone number and convert those data fragments into a complete person or company profile. The API returns any information FullContact has related to the specified identifiers. A number of Data Add-Ons are available including All Social, Demographics, and Email Verification for persons. According to the company website, the API returns more than 90 unique data points for persons and companies from a graph of more than one billion person profiles and 15 million company profiles.
View more available Profile APIs on RapidAPI.
Extract Named Entities from Unstructured Text
The MeaningCloud Topics Extraction API uses a number of complex natural language processing techniques to extract elements of relevant information from unstructured text. Examples of data the API can extract from unstructured text includes (but not limited to) named entities (e.g. people, places, companies), expressions (e.g. time, money, quantity), and concepts as indicated by significant keywords in the text. According to the documentation, the API recognizes multiword concepts and a hierarchy of 200 entity types. The Ontology section of the documentation includes an interactive tree chart that demonstrates the hierarchy of entity types, and information about the types of entities and thematic classification.
View other Extraction APIs listed on RapidAPI.
Prevent Online Fraud and Phone Spam
The Nexmo Number Insight API returns information related to a specified phone number. There are three API account levels (one free, two paid) and the amount of data returned varies with each account level. All the API accounts include the ability to retrieve international and local format as well as country recognition. The two paid accounts include the ability to detect the mobile country code (MCC), mobile network code (MNC), and if the number is ported. Both paid accounts also include the ability to identify caller name for U.S. phone numbers. The API documentation includes a comparison chart of the data that is returned with each account level.
The Nexmo Number Insight API can be used for a variety of use cases such as two-factor authorization to verify users via SMS or voice codes, prevent phone spam, and prevent new account fraud by verifying the phone number information of new users.
View other Fraud Prevention APIs listed on RapidAPI.
Only the Beginning
There’s so much more that developers could do with the many Identity Data APIs available today. The above use cases are only the beginning.
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