Passionate about APIs and the developer community at Rapid? Have a unique perspective of things? And you would like a medium to voice it for the developer community to read? RapidAPI encourages developers to contribute high-quality guest posts for the dev community to read and enjoy.
Editorial guest post articles submitted to us will be peer-reviewed before publication. We reserve the right to reject any submission we feel does not resonate with the dev community. We encourage contributors to take a look at the formatting style of past published blog posts to help your content get approved. We ask that the piece not be self-promotional and has a fresh take on topics such as APIs, software development, popular frameworks, and etc.
If you would like to submit a guest post for us to review and potentially publish, please email us and title the email:
“RapidAPI Blog Guest Post Inquiry.”
Guest Post Requirements:
- Guest posts must be educational and written for developers. Inquiries with a self-promotion intent will be denied.
- The intent of the article is not self-promotional or for the purpose of getting a backlink.
- The article topic must be reviewed and approved before the piece is written. You must provide a list of article topics you want to cover for approval.
- Must provide at least 3 past writing samples via URLs before approval
- The piece must have at minimum, 1,000+ words and proofread for English grammar
- We recommend adding visuals or videos
- The article is uniquely written and does not plagiarize
- Provide a short author biography
- Attach a picture or headshot of yourself. RapidAPI wants to give credit where it’s due.
Disclaimer: By contributing a guest post, you agree that any published content becomes rightfully owned by RapidAPI.
Please follow these guest post guidelines to greatly improve the chances of seeing your content showcased on the RapidAPI Blog. Only high-quality guest posts will be considered for publication.
All content publication & editing is done at the discretion of the RapidAPI Team.