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A Next-Generation API Hub for Government

Government API Hub
Digital Innovation with RapidAPI Enterprise

Accelerate Digital Innovation with Rapid's API Hub for Enterprise

APIs are at the heart of digital innovation. But many government agencies struggle to use APIs effectively.

A key challenge is just knowing what APIs exist across the organization, due to organizational silos made worse by disparate infrastructure and tooling across the API development lifecycle. Compounding the issue are the many API types beyond REST and SOAP — GraphQL, Kafka, and gRPC. APIs also span several categories, with internal, partner, and third-party APIs each bringing different requirements.

Legacy API management vendors do not address modern API requirements and lock organizations into their technology. Meeting the needs of today’s diverse API landscape requires a next-generation API hub.

Digital Innovation with RapidAPI Enterprise
RapidAPI Enterprise

API Hub for Enterprise

With API Hub for Enterprise, government agencies have a centralized hub for API discovery and collaboration between the internal development teams providing and consuming APIs, and sharing third-party API subscriptions. Additionally, API Hub for Enterprise enables the creation of a partner API hub complemented by granular access controls.

API for Hub Enterprise:

  • Integrates seamlessly with internal systems such as CI/CD pipeline
  • Supports all of your APIs
  • Works with any API gateway or management system
  • Deploys across multi-cloud environments
  • Provides a dedicated dashboard for managing APIs and ensuring data security, compliance, and adherence to SLAs
RapidAPI Enterprise

Use Case: API Hub for Enterprise for Internal

As development teams grow and split into multiple groups, they form “software silos” with each group responsible for a specific product or technology. Because each team creates their own APIs, there is little visibility into what each team is working on, resulting in code duplication, longer development cycles, and a lack of overall governance.

Learn More About an Internal HubEnterprise Internal API Hub

Use Case: API Hub for Enterprise for Partners

Agencies that want to drive innovation by opening up APIs to partners can use API Hub for Enterprise as a partner API hub. A partner API hub centrally exposes APIs in a branded catalog and enables you to control partners’ access to and usage of your APIs.

Learn More About a Partner HubPartner API Hub - for Enterprise

API Hub for Enterprise As a Horizontal Abstraction Layer Above Multiple API Gateways

API gateways are architectural components that sit in front of servers to perform standard functionality required to make APIs ready for real-world use such as traffic management, API key authentication, and request transformation. API Hub for Enterprise is a single consolidation layer that integrates with multiple API gateways. This integration gives developers a centralized hub to find, connect to, publish, and manage hundreds of APIs, even when each organization and development team is using a different API gateway.

Learn MoreExternal APIs in the government sector

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