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A Next-Generation API Hub for Healthcare Services

APIs in the healthcare industry
APIs Provide Interoperability Across the Healthcare Ecosystem

APIs Provide Interoperability Across the Healthcare Ecosystem

APIs are at the heart of modernization initiatives, especially in healthcare where they enable providers, patients, payers, and third-party services to connect to applications and systems and share data. APIs serve two main functions in healthcare: connecting physicians/healthcare providers with patient data more easily and rapidly and streamlining healthcare operations.

Standardization efforts such as Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources or FHIR have further accelerated API adoption and usage by providing a specification or framework for exchanging healthcare information electronically.

APIs provide interoperability across the healthcare ecosystem, enabling systems to collect, centralize and report health data in a single patient record, connect to insurance companies to determine coverage or payment, share physician-reported data across multiple providers, access medical research data, coordinate provider staffing, and more.

APIs Provide Interoperability Across the Healthcare Ecosystem
The Right API Platform - Rapid API Hub for Enterprise

The Right API Hub for Your Organization - Rapid's API Hub for Enterprise

To find, connect to, and manage the APIs used in healthcare more efficiently, a platform is needed to serve the needs of providers, payers, patients, and other third-parties. API Hub for Enterprise is designed to address the needs of modern-day APIs. API Hub for Enterprise can be branded and customized as an API “healthcare” portal used to discover and connect to internal APIs, as well as external API subscriptions. Additionally, API Hub for Enterprise can be used as an external “healthcare” portal, enabling third-parties to also find and connect to your APIs.

API Hub for Enterprise:

  • Integrates seamlessly with internal systems
  • Supports all of the provider’s APIs
  • Works with any API gateway or management system
  • Deploys across multi-cloud environments
  • Provides a dedicated dashboard for managing APIs and ensuring data security, compliance, and adherence to SLAs
The Right API Platform - Rapid API Hub for Enterprise

Use Case: API Hub for Enterprise Powers Many-to-Many Model In Your Organization

As healthcare development organizations grow and split into multiple teams, they form “software silos” with each group responsible for a specific product or technology. An Internal API Hub provides a centralized location for the various teams to find, manage, and connect to all APIs — using a single key and SDK. An API Hub is branded with a provider’s identity and enables organizations to create new efficiencies, accelerating the software development process.

Learn More About an Internal HubEnterprise Internal API Hub

Use Case: API Hub for Enterprise for Collaboration with Third-party Organizations

Providers can offer partner access to key APIs using the API Hub as an external healthcare portal. Through the branded API Hub, providers can collaborate with partners to create new efficiencies and more integrated solutions

Learn More About a Partner HubPartner API Hub - for Enterprise

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