Top Five Voice Recognition APIs


Wed Oct 13 2021


1 min read

Top five Voice Recognition APIs you can use to build excellent full-stack applications.

1. Text-to-Speech API

Text-to-Speech (TTS) API allows conversion of textual content to speech more effortless than ever.

Popularity: 9.7/10 Latency: 1,049ms Service Level: 100%

2. SMS77io API

SMS77io allows you to send SMS & text-to-speech messages, perform phone number lookups, and much more.

Popularity: 9.2/10 Latency: 520ms Service Level: 100%

3. Speech Recognition English API

Speech Recognition English API can convert any English voice to text.

Popularity: 8.2/10 Latency: 3,603ms Service Level: 98%

4. Voice Gender Recognition API

Voice gender recognition API can recognize the gender of the speaker.

Popularity: 8.1/10 Latency: 1,745ms Service Level: 100%

5. Linguatools Sentence Generating API

Linguatools Sentence Generating API can realise simple sentences given a subject, a verb and an object. Optional additional parameters allow to specify features like tense, number, voice, sentence type.

Popularity: 8.1/10 Latency: 332ms Service Level: 100%