Top 5 API Documentation Tools

Thu Feb 03 2022

2 min read

Documentation allows users to understand and connect with your API smoothly, ensuring a good developer experience. Here are some tools that help developers create and maintain API documentation.

API Documentation

API Documentation provides complete information needed to consume the API through descriptions, tutorials, examples, and code samples. It is the first thing a developer notices while deciding the API for their project. Moreover, proper documentation increases your API's adoption by making it easy to integrate and use.

API Documentation Tools

Writing documentation manually can be complicated if your team develops and maintains APIs. There are many API documentation tools available today that automate this process and help developers create compelling documentation.

Let's discuss five of the best available tools.


Swagger supports OpenAPI v2 and Open API v3. The tool can generate OpenAPI definitions automatically and allows users to maintain the API throughout its life cycle. It allows users to create and visualize API documentation as it develops.

Swagger has an interactive documentation tool called Swagger UI. It allows developers to create OpenAPI Specification (OAS) in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Users can fully customize their documentation to suit their use. Additionally, you can use tweaks by other developers from their community.


ReDoc also supports OpenAPI v2 and Open API v3. It is a powerful and flexible tool with an intuitive UI. ReDoc uses a three-panel design for writing documentation. The left panel provides a reference menu, the middle panel has the documentation for API endpoints, and the right panel has sample requests, responses, and codes.

Other notable features of ReDoc include markdown support, easy integration, and a CLI to check your OpenAPI definitions.


DapperDox is an open-source tool that supports OpenAPI v2 and OpenAPI v3 specifications for generating documentation. The tool provides diagrams and guides to help developers create markdown-powered documentation. Moreover, you can document multiple APIs as a suite with appropriate cross-referencing using DapperDox.


Spotlight supports OpenAPI specification and automatically generates documentation against it. It further improves the documentation process by providing features like markdown support, code samples in multiple languages, and a powerful search.

Spotlight also helps you maintain the documentation with automatic updates, as the documentation is updated for any changes made to the API.


Slate uses markdown for writing documentation and stands out because of its minimal and intuitive design. It presents the complete documentation on a single page instead of multiple pages, albeit maintaining a responsive design.