Five More APIs That Add Security Capabilities To Your Application

Fri Feb 04 2022

3 min read

API is a channel that applications utilize to talk with each other. You put some information at one end, the API takes that information and gets back with a result. This guide will focus on five APIs that provide security-related features.

Security APIs

A couple of decades ago, adding new features to your web application was only possible through coding the entire feature yourself and integrating it into the application. The rise of APIs has made this process much more straightforward, and today there are APIs serving all kinds of functions.

Implementing security features from scratch is not an easy feat, which is why we mentioned five security APIs in our previous guide and this guide would add five more notable security-related APIs. You can easily integrate them into your applications to increase their security capabilities.

1. Twilio Verify Phone Number API

Twilio Verify Phone Number API is an excellent tool for adding phone-based verification and two-factor authentication to your application by sending codes via text or voice.

The API works using elementary logic. The developers embed the API in their apps or websites. When a new user is signing up for the website or app’s services, the registration form requires that they input their mobile number. The API collects the mobile number and sends a verification code to the provided number. Then, the user enters this code to complete the registration process.

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2. IP Geolocation and Threat Detection API

IP Geolocation and Threat Detection API is an efficient API that you can add to your application to pinpoint your users' locations and get their location data. From a security point of view, it helps you implement geo-restrictions and compliances and prevent fraud.

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3. Easy Email Validation API

Easy Email Validation API provides Email Validation services and allows you to check the validity of Emails by verifying their domains. It also checks for valid formats and disposable emails, which is very helpful.

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4. BreachDirectory API

BreachDirectory API provides a resource to check and avoid compromised accounts. It allows you to check whether an email, username, password, or phone number was affected by a data breach.

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5. Ephemeral Proxies API

Ephemeral Proxies offers proxy capabilities and lets you establish a stable proxy connection.

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