API or Application Programming Interface lets two or more applications communicate with each other and exchange all the necessary data. The primary purpose of APIs is to make app development more simple, save time and other resources. There are a significant number of API tools that allow developers to make their work easier. They include the …
api tools
Best Free API Documentation Tools Compared for Developers
APIs are essential in making communication between applications possible. They are a collection of commands and libraries that form an application interface. The purpose of APIs is to help businesses scale higher through enhanced communications between end-user applications and the servers. Individuals who have written an API from scratch will …
Top 9 Best API Design Tools
Introduction “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” ― Isaac Newton, The Correspondence Of Isaac Newton There has been an explosion of available tooling that emerged from cloud computing's growth almost a decade ago. Developers pressing forward to do things better, make things cooler, or slick. The benefit for …
REST API Documentation Templates, Tools, and Examples
Application Programming Interface or API is a concept in software technology that defines the interactions between multiple applications and data exchange. Developers use APIs to write software, and the interface is how non-programming users interact with applications on their devices. An API works by helping an application retrieve specific …
Top 12 Best API Testing Tools (for Developers) [2021]
With APIs increasingly becoming essential components for software development, it has become vitally critical for developers and programmers to perform API tests. API testing is a process that focuses on determining whether an API that has been developed meets the anticipated threshold in terms of functionality, performance, reliability, and …
Best API Management Tools & Solutions (2021)
Introduction Web-Based APIs It's been more than twenty years since Roy Fielding released a dissertation that described the REST API architecture1. During the following decade, companies began to see the utility of web APIs in large enterprises. Additionally, in the second half of the decade, tech giants opened large web-based APIs to the public. …