5 Guides


Cross-Origin Requests with Fetch API

In this guide, we will learn to handle Cross-Origin Requests with Fetch API and consume APIs from different sources securely

What is CORS Proxy? Three APIs that Offer CORS Features

Have you ever requested data from some API but instead got an error like Cross-Origin Request Blocked? CORS Proxy allows us to bypass these errors.

How to handle CORS in Flask?

Flask is a Python Framework that you can use to write backend code. In this piece, we will talk about how to handle CORS in Flask.

How to handle CORS in Express?

With Express.js, you can use JavaScript on the server. In this piece, we will look at how you can handle CORS in and Express backend.

What is Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)?

CORS blocks a website to request data from a server if they don’t have the same origin. In this piece, let’s look at CORS and how to deal with it.