Gaming data is becoming a valuable asset developers collect and use to create dynamic web and mobile applications. Indeed, this data helps understand the main features, characteristics, and game flow of different games, which can add a significant advantage to gamers worldwide. Hearthstone is one of the most popular strategy card games played …
How to Use the Crime Data API with Python, PHP, Ruby & Javascript Examples
In today’s world, crimes are happening at an alarming rate everywhere in the world. Robberies, motor vehicle thefts, various types of assaults, and child abuse are among the most common crimes people face, even in broad daylight. Finding a safe neighborhood is the top priority for anyone who expects to move to a new neighborhood in such a world. …
How to Use the CurrencyScoop API with Python, PHP, Ruby & Javascript Examples
The rise of the internet and smartphones has opened the door for many individual traders to access the foreign exchange markets. This trend has resulted in an influx of mobile applications in the finance market. Whether you are a developer aiming to build a simple currency converter application or an enterprise launching a market-disruptive …
How to Use the Visual Crossing Weather API with Java, Python, PHP, Ruby & JavaScript Examples
Weather plays an important role in all aspects of our lives. Not only do we rely on weather information for planning day-to-day activities like commute or other outdoor activities, but all major events like outdoor entertainment programs/sports matches heavily depend on the weather. Further, airlines, utility companies, fire stations also require …
Python RESTful API Client
API Integration in Python APIs (Application Programming Interface) can be an incredible tool for developers and applications. Internal APIs can help keep features, servers, and data modular so teams can iterate on disparate services without breaking everything. External APIs can provide data and services that are either unavailable to your …
What Are Microservices?
Microservices definition explained When it comes to building applications, there are multiple parts that work together within its software. Microservice architecture, or microservices for short, is a structural approach to building applications in which the parts work independently, but together. The framework allows for each individual function …
What is Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)?
Integration. That’s one big chore that keeps the IT and application development teams busy throughout the day. In a growing enterprise, new business requirements and increasing reliance on third-party systems are a standard norm. Therefore, integrating different systems and applications is a never-ending challenge for these teams. Enterprise …
RapidAPI Marketplace is now RapidAPI Hub
One of my earliest memories as a kid is walking into the Hamleys toy store. Every floor of that gigantic store was a sea of possibilities – and nowhere was more exciting than the LEGO section. The moment I stepped onto the LEGO floor my mind instantly started racing thinking about the rockets, castles, and huge animals you could build. Even as an …
How to Use the Stock and Options Trading Data Provider API with Java, Python, PHP, Ruby & JavaScript Examples
Traditionally, stock market trading was seen as a risky venture meant only for experts. However, the last few years have seen a change in this trend with millions of investors across the globe indulging in trading. One reason for this radical shift is the internet boom. Not only has the internet provided every internet user with the ability to …
How to Use the Coronavirus Smartable API with Python, PHP, Ruby & Javascript Examples
In the backdrop of the ongoing pandemic situation, multiple data sources on the internet seek to aggregate and disseminate Covid-19 related statistics. This, coupled with different sources publishing fake news as information without due diligence, has led to a deluge of cluttered, unreliable information on the web. The statement - “We’re not just …
How to Use the Veriphone API with Python, PHP, Ruby & Javascript Examples
Phone validation and verification are crucial for authenticating a person in account registration and sign-in processes. Validating the phone number is the first step in establishing the trust as it gives the first warning for anyone attempting illegal entry. Since email verification is not sufficient to avoid scammers and fraudsters, phone …
How to Use the CalorieNinjas API with Python, PHP, Ruby & Javascript Examples
Food Journaling has become quite popular in the past few years, as it goes without saying that having a well-balanced diet is key to living a healthy life. Whether your health goals are cutting calories, increasing energy, or simply aiming to monitor your consumption - keeping track of your daily intake will always be the first step in that …
Top 8 Best API Clients
What Are the Best API Clients? With so many options, it's easy to find yourself with a paradox of choice when choosing software. Indeed, this is the case with API clients. Furthermore, best is a relative term. What you are looking for—knowing my search experience—is the most value for the time and money you're willing to invest. And we derive …
How to Use the API with Python, PHP, Ruby & JavaScript Examples
The API allows developers to search a global database of vacation rentals, hotel packages, and other travel deals to book reservations or generate custom displays of listings. The website includes a wide array of global travel options such as hotels, tour packages, car rentals, and flight ticketing. also offers …
8 Common API Error Examples and Use Cases
An Application Programming Interface (API) is a software interface that serves as a medium to connect computers and computer programs. APIs have become increasingly valuable that they generate a large portion of many companies’ revenue, including companies such as Google, Amazon, and Salesforce. Today, APIs have adopted useful features that have …