45 Guides


All posts are related to the "Interactive" category.

How Can Local Storage Persist the API Response in React.js?

Sometimes the API response does not change. In this case, you can save this data. In this piece, we will learn how to use local storage to persist API response.

10 Web APIs That Help With Your Web App Development

Web APIs help to make your websites performant and user-friendly. In this piece, let’s look at 10 Web APIs that can help you with your web development.

Interactive Guide To UI Events API

The UI Events API lets you handle events and user interactions on a website. In this piece, let's look at what it is and how you can use it in your web apps.

How to send data to the server via API?

You can send data to the server through the API query string parameters or the API request body. In this piece, let's learn how you can do it in your web app.

What is an API Endpoint?

An API provides different points of access for different resources called API endpoints. They are used to send requests and receive data from the API.

How to use APIs from RapidAPI Hub using JavaScript?

There are millions of APIs on the internet that you can use. This piece will help you to learn how to use any API from RapidAPI Hub in JavaScript.

What is an API Call?

APIs (Application Programming Interface) connect applications and let them interact. API calls provide the medium for this interaction. Let's see how they work.

Interactive Guide To Image Capture API

The Image Capture API lets you access the device’s camera so you can take a picture. In this piece, let's look at how you can use this API in your project.

Interactive Guide to SSR for Fetching APIs in Next.js

Next.js provides Server Side Rendering (SSR) as a way of data fetching. Let's see how we can fetch data from APIs using SSR.

Interactive Guide to ISR for Fetching APIs in Next.js

Next.js provides Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) as a way of data fetching. Let's see how we can fetch data from APIs using ISR.

Interactive Guide to Credentials Management API

The API lets you save user credentials in your internet browsers. It also helps you retrieve credentials, public keys, and federated credentials for a specific website. Let's take a look at what it is and how you can use it in your website.

What Are HTTP Interceptors and How To Set Them Using Axios?

HTTP Interceptors allow us to check or modify all the incoming or outgoing HTTP requests in our application. We can use them if we want to apply something like an authorization header to all the requests. Let's see how to set HTTP interceptors for API requests using Axios.

Interactive Guide to Screen Wake Lock API

The Screen Wake Lock API ensures that your computer display does not turn off after some time of inactivity. Let's look at it and how to use it in web apps.

Interactive Guide to Battery Status API

It is another web API designed to help developers access the power information of their user's devices. Let's take a deep look at what this API is and how you can use it in your web applications.

Interactive Explanation of API Idempotency

Idempotency in API requests is often a confusing concept. Idempotent requests allow you to make multiple requests to the same endpoint and get the same response. This guide will help you understand the basics of idempotency.

Interactive Guide to GraphQL Unions and Interfaces

GraphQL Unions and Interfaces are abstract types that allow a field to have multiple object types. Let's learn more about them.

Interactive Guide to Console API

The Console API is the go-to debugging tool of millions of developers when working with JavaScript. You access it using the console interface. Let's take a look at what it is and how you can properly use it.

Interactive Guide to the Best Practices for API Parameters

Both API designers and consumers need to know the dos and don'ts of the API request parameters. This guide will highlight some best practices that can help.

Interactive Guide To Navigation Timing API

This API helps you analyze your site’s performance by providing you with a set of methods to accurately identify the performance problems with your site’s code or resources. Let's look at what this API is and how you can use it on your websites.

Interactive Guide to GraphQL Fragments

GraphQL queries enable declarative data fetching but may become complicated when you want to interact with many fields. GraphQL fragments solve this problem by allowing you to reuse parts of a query. This interactive guide will explain how they work.

Interactive guide to API Request Parameters

Parameters carry the information required by the API to process requests. There are different kinds of API parameters, and this guide will explain their differences.

Interactive Guide to History API

This API lets you go back and forth between web pages that are in your session history. In this piece, let's take a look at what it is and how you can use it in your websites.

Interactive Guide to XMLHttpRequest API

XMLHttpRequest a Web API that lets you communicate with the server via a REST API endpoint to fetch data and then show it to the user without refreshing the page. Let's take a look at what this API is and how you can use it in your web applications.

How to Cache GraphQL APIs on the Client-side?

Client-side caching helps reduce unnecessary and redundant requests to the APIs. This guide will demonstrate how to cache a GraphQL API in React using Apollo.

Interactive Guide to URL Pattern API

It is a web API for defining the syntax used to create URL pattern matchers. Let's take a look at what this API is and how you can use it in your web applications.

Introduction to GraphQL Subscriptions

GraphQL Subscriptions provide a way to fetch data from the server in real-time. A subscription is a continuously living request that pushes data to the client whenever a specific event happens.

Interactive Guide To MediaQueryList API

MediaQueryList API lets you define a viewport size below which it fires the function that is provided to it. In this piece, let's take a look at what it is and how you can use in your websites.

Interactive Guide To Notifications API

If a web app needs to send notifications to the user at the system level, the Notifications API is used. The API uses the browser to display notifications outside the page.

Interactive Guide To Cookie API

A cookie is data from a specific website stored on the client’s computer while they are browsing the Internet. In this piece, let's take a look at what cookie API is and how you can use it in your web applications.

Interactive Guide To Cache API

The Cache API offers an interface for storing and retrievng network requests and responses.