32 Guides


How to use fetch API to call GraphQL APIs?

The Fetch API can be used to call GraphQL APIs by making a POST request with the GraphQL query as the request body, and handling the response accordingly.

4 Things You Need To Do For Calling GraphQL APIs

The process of consuming GraphQL APIs is different from other types of APIs, such as REST. Here are four things you need to specify while calling a GraphQL API.

How to publish a GraphQL API on RapidAPI Hub?

RapidAPI Hub is home to over 3 million developers. This piece will guide you through the process of publishing a GraphQL API on RapidAPI Hub.

How to consume GraphQL APIs in React using URQL?

Today, more and more applications are using GraphQL APIs. There are multiple ways to consume them in React, and URQL is one of them.

GraphQL & API's Future

With the passage of time, the way APIs are developed has been evolving rapidly. Many companies have been using GraphQL to build APIs.

What are the Different Types of APIs?

APIs are the backbone of software applications today. They connect applications of diverse architectures and help them communicate in order to perform CRUD operations. Let's take a look at the different types of APIs.

What is Depth Limiting in APIs?

Rate limiting is a way to limit the requests coming to an API. GraphQL APIs have another way of restricting requests called depth limiting. This method resists queries based on their depth.

What is GraphQL? - A Beginner's Friendly Guide

There are a couple of things that make GraphQL unique. This guide will help beginners understand about GraphQL.

How to Define GraphQL Queries and Mutations?

GraphQL schema is the blueprint of a GraphQl API and describes the form of the data returned by the API. Let's see how to define queries and mutations.

Best Practices for GraphQL API Security

GraphQL APIs are a tad different from conventional REST APIs, so let's discuss some practices specifically for GraphQL APIs.

Interactive Guide to GraphQL Unions and Interfaces

GraphQL Unions and Interfaces are abstract types that allow a field to have multiple object types. Let's learn more about them.

How to Consume GraphQL APIs in Vue?

Vue.js is built on top of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and provides a declarative and component-based programming model. In this piece, we will look at how you can consume GraphQL APIs in Vue.js applications.

GraphQL Schema and its Types

GraphQL schema is the blueprint of a GraphQl API and describes the form of the data returned by the API. Let's take a look at its type system with examples.

Interactive Guide to GraphQL Fragments

GraphQL queries enable declarative data fetching but may become complicated when you want to interact with many fields. GraphQL fragments solve this problem by allowing you to reuse parts of a query. This interactive guide will explain how they work.

How to Cache GraphQL APIs on the Client-side?

Client-side caching helps reduce unnecessary and redundant requests to the APIs. This guide will demonstrate how to cache a GraphQL API in React using Apollo.

How to Consume GraphQL APIs in Svelte?

Svelte is one of the fastest-growing JavaScript frameworks and has captured the attention of many developers. If you want to build a Svelte application, this guide will demonstrate how to consume GraphQL APIs.

How to Call APIs in Svelte?

Svelte is an open-source compiler that runs at build time and generates minimal and optimized JavaScript code. It competes with other JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue. This guide will demonstrate how you can consume APIs in a Svelte application.

Introduction to GraphQL Subscriptions

GraphQL Subscriptions provide a way to fetch data from the server in real-time. A subscription is a continuously living request that pushes data to the client whenever a specific event happens.

How to consume GraphQL APIs in React using Apollo

Today, more and more applications are using GraphQL APIs. If you are using React, you can choose from multiple ways to consume a GraphQL API, and Apollo is one of them.

Interactive Guide to GraphQL Mutations

GraphQL Mutations are used for modifying server-side data that includes creating, updating, or deleting it. Learn more about them in this interactive guide.

Interactive Guide to GraphQL Queries: Aliases and Variables

GraphQL queries enable declarative data fetching using aliases and variables. Let's try to understand them in this interactive guide.

Interactive Guide to GraphQL Queries: Fields and Arguments

GraphQL queries enable declarative data fetching and expose only a single endpoint that you can use to get data.

4 Ways to Fetch Data from a GraphQL API in React

GraphQL APIs are a tad bit different from other types like REST in implementation. Let's go through four ways we can use GraphQL APIs in React.

How to use a GraphQL API in React using Axios?

The process of consuming GraphQL APIs differs from other APIs, such as REST. Let's see how we can use them in React using Axios.

How to use GraphQL APIs from RapidAPI Hub?

RapidAPI Hub allows you to find and use GraphQL APIs effortlessly. Let's demonstrate that by trying a GraphQL API from RapidAPI Hub.

What is GraphQL Schema Stitching?

GraphQL schema stitching lets you create a single GraphQL schema from multiple GraphQL APIs. In this piece, let’s look at why it exists and its use cases.

Difference between GraphQL and Kafka API

GraphQL is a query language whereas Kafka is an event stream platform. In this piece, let’s look at GraphQL, Kafka APIs, and a few differences between them.

How to authenticate and authorize with GraphQL?

You can use REST APIs, GraphQL API, and gRPC to communicate between client and server. These communications also involve user authentications and authorization. Let's take a look at GraphQL authentication and authorization in this piece.

How to update GraphQL API?

As your application grows, the API connecting it to the client also grows with it. If the API is publicly available, other developers might be relying on it for their products. Let's take a look at how you should update your GraphQL API so it doesn't crash other people's websites.

What are the differences between gRPC and GraphQL?

These days gRPC and GraphQL both provide different features than REST API. Let's take a look at the differences between these two architectures.